Ardyhie the Hydra

34 of 1,206
100% Happy
9 May 2016
10 Oct 2017
1 Nov 2019
17,989 +3
6,331 +2
6,114 +1
Recent Feeders
Hi. Right now I am very happy with my current home and do not wish to go anywhere.

If you have stumbled upon me, please don't hesitate to give me some food. I promise I won't bite.

About Hydra Eggs

This egg was created in celebration of 500 species at Egg Cave.

About the Hydra Creature

Nobody knows how this species is able to do this... but, as it evolves, it is able to morph into other forms and mimic other species' characteristics.

The baby stage of this creature is a Yazan, with two heads sticking out of its side. The teen stage of this creature is a Mo intertwined with a Diablos. Legend has it that these two creatures keep each other in balance and are in a perpetual battle with one another.

Finally, the adult form is a combined creature that mimics the Moxel, Nym, and Adarna.