Nicky22 the Harpis

55 of 99
0% Happy
21 Jul 2014
24 Apr 2016
6,766 +1
1,941 +1
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in honor of the release of Nicky (the endless pit) the squirrel
Nicky was always hungry and never picky
her mom had fallen out of a tree and sadly passed away☹️
her brothers and sisters were not found but Nicky was!
She is the first gray squirrel with one pure white paw
The Lucky Paw
Squirrel friend: Wannabe()


Travel: Fortune Teller Room

Level 1 (1000V) [x]
Level 2 (2000V) [x ]
Level 3 (3000V) [x ]

Immortal [ x]

About Harpis Eggs

The feathers located on Harpis eggs, on rare occasions, make musical sounds when touched. Be careful not to touch them too frequently though, otherwise they will fall out. Harpis eggs cannot survive without their feathers.

About the Harpis Creature

The Harpis received its name for its brilliant feathers (because they look like they could be played like a harp). Beyond this, a Harpis' call is distinct and unmistakable; it is often a long melody with elegant dynamic shifts.

The Harpis breeding grounds are located near Ark Bay. Although not classified as formally endangered, Harpises are considered to be the rarest of any swan subspecies. For this reason, Harpis breeding grounds are aggressively protected by the Science and Research Center backed by legislation at the Town Hall.

Harpises, like their swan relatives, mate for life.