
Really not much to say except I adopt/create forever pets. Not much into trading but to acquire the early pets I do trade CC for. Spending time selecting travels and freezing pets in my favorite stages. 7 Sep 2019, 5:14 PM

4 February 2017
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I am @eggberts - joined eggcave 4 February 2017.

Born 7th January 1944 in Michigan. Lived in the midwest, lived 2 years in Hawaii before settling (I thought for good) in central Florida.

God had other plans for my life. 10 years ago I met/married an Aussie Englishman. At present we live in a very small Aboriginal town near the desert. Some of my eggcave pets have aboriginal names.

2 March 2019 Today I made a record. 52 times I visited with cave with bated breath hoping to find a Koluk or Stobow and found not a one. 3rd March 2019 in 20 creature cavedrop finally found my first Koluk (81st) plus 2nd Koluk & first Stobow.

9 December 2019 Due to increased lair population, taking care of husband, yard etc. not able to participate in Eggcave as much as I have been. However am coming in daily to check messages and making sure all is well with 961 pets. I appreciate the feedings that are being done by many good hearted Eggcave players. Best Wishes to all this festive time of year and a very happy 2020 New Year !

20th December 2019 - Thank you all for feeding my pets. Life here in Australia is very difficult at present with the high temperatures and fires.

15th February 2020 - Here I am again at another Chocotravaganza. In 24 hours with 1 screen 459 Chocolates. More than I expected. In three days keeping this rate up I'll have a precious Tine. Appreciation to the staff who work hard to make the Chocotravaganza event a special time.

17th February 2020 8:46 AM Australian Time finally Dreamtime (the Tine) came to live with us (all 974).

18 February 2020 Finished my receiving part in Chocotravaganza. Please do not send me any more chocolates.

31 July 2020 How fast does time fly by one ! Am getting to the end of my ambitious project securing feeding for all my pet creatures. 818 pet creatures starred ! (996 total at present).

9th September 2020 Husband left this earth to go into Resurrection Sleep. The last 11 years have been the best years of my life, our married years.

29th October 2020 Will be going to asthma specialist to sign papers for admittance to hospital for iron transfusion this morning. Appreciate the feeding of my "darlings". Many thank you(s).

4th January 2021 Thank you all for your much appreciated support in all forms thru the past few months. Am going thru acute grief (didnot know there was such a range of how grief affects one and how serious it can be. Am coming out of it and it has become easier as I can handle it better and the grief is loosing its intensity with the passing of time. I still enjoy going thru the lair and admiring the variety and individuality of all my pets.

16th February 2021 - Still recuperating physically and mentally from acute grief. Not able to concentrate on chocolates this year, hopefully next year. Appreciate the chocolate boxes and do very little feeding these days.

1st April 2021 - Just adopted a Flufur and Rie. It is a very sad time for me as the loss of my husband has affected me in unexpected ways. Never dreamed it would be so difficult. It has caused me to make mistakes freezing eggs in 2-4 stages. So the Flufur and Rie will be the last ones to enjoy seeing them grow up. Will be checking daily until the Flufur and Rie are frozen or matured to the last stage. None are for nor will be for adoption but will remain in their forever home.

7th October 2021 - Had to have a Lazzar and Encalop. And I have 1 empty lair space for unforseen adoption (just in case sort of thing). Grief is much more complex than I originally believed. Besides emotionally, and mentally it can effect one physically. Thank you to you special ones for your feeding of my 'darlings'. And I do appreciate the notes of encouragement.

21 January 2022 - Enjoying another Creature Release Week althou it has been stressful. And I know I am not alone dealing with stress. I do appreciate very much the help I am getting at home due to having active asthma and sinus. Not been able to tolerate flu vaccine this year has made me Medical Exempt from Covid Vaccinations. I refuse to go into the hospital and being sent into Covid section which is where I would go if I consent to go into hospital. Anyhow daily excitement visiting the cave......

27 November 2022 Just realized I havenot updated my profile for almost a year. It has been a challenging year with Stomach Cancer diagnosed (am on chemo at present), trouble with preteen diving accident resulting in steroids injected into enlarged disc going into nerve root. Other than that and asthma which is still present I am doing great.


Creatures (1,213)


miraeggs • 21 Nov 2024, 12:36 PM

Your cove looks absolutely beautiful, friend ❤ī¸ I hope wherever you are, you are well and happy. ❤ī¸

silvia • 2 May 2024, 3:01 PM

I hope you're well, old friend. đŸ˜ĸ🙏

megamisama90 • 14 Feb 2024, 5:30 AM

Where ever you're ❤ī¸

wonder404exe • 8 Jan 2024, 1:56 PM

Happy late birthday!

applegranny • 3 Jan 2024, 12:51 PM

I haven't heard from eggberts for over a year now and, at last conversation, her stomach cancer was advancing fast following the loss of her beloved husband, Malcolm. I guess we must assume that she's gone on to be with him. We all miss you, Eggs!

kudo • 28 Nov 2023, 9:17 AM

hey eggy! you probably won't remember me, but we chatted a bit when you first joined :] hope everything's going alright. your cove is really something special

senkou • 16 Nov 2023, 10:14 AM

hey eggberts, it's wild_wonders, i remember we used to chat back years ago. not sure if you're still checking in but i just wanted to wish u well irl and hopefully catch up when you're back. your babies are looking wonderful and i also have more to add if you've missed any ❤ī¸

mastergemma • 11 Nov 2023, 8:13 AM

I hope you are well. I want to hear more yarns ❤ī¸

applegranny • 22 Mar 2023, 10:39 PM

Hello, my friend! Just checking in with you, hoping you are doing okay!

jilltheplatypus • 28 Feb 2023, 4:32 PM

Hope you are doing well!! Feeding all

immortalraven • 4 Feb 2023, 9:20 PM

Thanks, sorry for the late reply ☚ī¸ Just haven't been on much at all except to get new critters. I get a ton of notifs whenever I get on and miss stuff

I hope you're well ❤ī¸

dragrawr • 24 Jan 2023, 12:13 AM

WHOOPS i am blind! Anyway ignore the other comment

wonder404exe • 8 Jan 2023, 11:45 AM

Happy one day late birthday 🎂

dusskfall • 30 Dec 2022, 1:49 AM

the holidays often make it hard to get anything useful done. hope you will get info once they are over

heatherm19 • 8 Dec 2022, 3:18 PM

Thanks for donating items! 😊

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