DeathHound the Foxfly

82 of 334
0% Happy
12 Aug 2015
33,261 +1
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You pay the shopkeeper 80,187 EC and receive your Mystery Egg.

The shopkeeper pulls out a high-powered, red heat lamp and places your mystery egg beneath it. You think it's supposed to help the egg hatch quicker.

YOUR MYSTERY EGG HATCHES SUCCESSFULLY! You're overwhelmed with excitement as you gaze upon your brand-new baby creature. You immediately have feelings of love and care for your creature. You notice that it's a Foxfly and can't wait for it to grow up.

About Foxfly Eggs

Foxfly eggs glow with a soft luminescence from within. If the cracks in your walls glow slightly there is a good chance there are Foxfly eggs in there.

About the Foxfly Creature

The light from thousands of Foxflies is a common sight on warm Leila evenings. Not only does the orb on the end of a Foxfly's tail glow, it's eyes and wings do as well. While this does make them larger targets for nocturnal predators they make up for this by being extremely fast and agile while flying helping them avoid slower predators.

Foxflies posses a trait that makes them very valuable to Leila's gardening population, they prey primarily upon Goggies.