Flintpaw the Vitta

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7 Jun 2020
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Flintpaw the Vitta

Lamb's Ear
Description: Soft, fuzzy green plant.
Location: Commonly found in the mountains.
Usage: Unknown
Effect: Gives a cat strength.

Description: A small purple flowering plant.
Location: Grown in Twoleg gardens. Can also be found in sunny spots with sandy or gravelly soil.
Usage: Placed under a cat's nose and is to be regularly inhaled, or rubbed/put on an animal's body to hide the scent of death.
Effect: Cures fever and chills. Also used to hide the scent of death.

Description: An herb with dark green leaves speckled with grey
Location: WindClan moor
Usage: Eaten
Effect: Cures yellowcough.

Mallow Leaves
Description: Large fuzzy three-nubbed leaves from a flowering shrub; sweet rose scent.
Location: Grows best near shore, but best collected at sunhigh, when they are dry.
Usage: Eaten.
Effect: Soothes bellyache.

Description: A low-growing flower; yellow to bright orange.
Location: Near water.
Usage: Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice. Juice can be used as well.
Effect: Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.

Description: Downy, serrated leaves ranging from green to purple and yellow in colour. Flowers are small and white or purple in colour.
Location: Patch beside ThunderClan nursery in the Forest Territories.
Usage: Rubbed on a dead body.
Effect: Hides the scent of death.

Mouse Bile
Description: Foul smelling, yellowish-green liquid.
Location: Can be found anywhere there are mice present.
Usage: The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in the pelt.
Effect: The ticks fall off.

Dried Oak Leaf
Description: Round, cartoon-like ruffled leaves.
Location: All over the forest floor and collected in leaf-fall.
Usage: The dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of use when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound.
Effect: Stops infection from setting in.

Description: A long-stemmed plant with ragged-edged crinkly leaves, Sharp scent, tastes cold and fresh, tastes the same fresh or dried.
Location: Grows best in moist, well-drained soil, with full sun.
Usage: Eaten.
Effect: Stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk. Also used to cure bellyache.

Poppy Seeds
Description: Tiny, round black seeds that are shaken out of a dried poppy flowerhead.
Location: All over the forest.
Usage: Chewed on.
Effect: They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease the pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.

About Vitta Eggs

This egg seems to be encased in snow and ice.

Vitta eggs must be kept at a cold temperature in order to hatch properly. In order to handle one of these eggs, you must be wearing gloves.

About the Vitta Creature

Vittas continue their life in cold temperatures because they need the cold in order to survive. They are very social creatures and are normally found in groups. Vittas are also very defensive creatures. Once they bond to their owner, they will do everything they can to defend them. But they are very lovable, even though they tend to stay colder than normal creatures. While these birds are small and light, they have very long life spans. Befriending a Vitta will ensure you have a companion and a protector for life.