Frili the Smorlin

172 of 527
100% Happy
1 Jul 2016
3 May 2022
18 Apr 2022
5,465 +1
Recent Feeders
Bliz egg 650 cc
Borro egg 250 cc
Bufalus egg 300 cc
Amarra egg and first 350 cc
Candit egg 500 cc
Aoside egg and first 550 cc
Aurelian egg
Ambrie egg 700 cc
Demga egg , first
Cumula egg
Cirthark 1st 450 cc
Clioney egg 700 cc
Cantik egg
Feggle egg 450 cc
Engel 1st 800 cc
Eeriek egg 550 cc
Drem egg,first 600 cc
Gantula egg 400 cc
fiamma egg
Heims egg, first
Golosina egg
Kinka egg
Keras egg
Jelal egg
Jacko egg 400 cc
Irel egg 1st and last 600 cc
Invernut egg 700 cc
Manticore egg 400 cc
Lissam egg,first 400 cc
Lepilex egg 700 cc
Ott egg 1000cc
Octro egg 450
Odon egg
Nilby egg
Neebu first and last 600 cc
Mystic egg 400
Moxel egg 550
Mirkang egg 400 cc
Pogknot egg 400
Plore egg 700
Perukey egg 350
Pantheart egg and frozen egg 700
Pami first 600
Quinnit first , last
Prath egg 600
Tuloop egg
Trenka egg 800 cc
Torget egg and first
Tific egg 1st and last 750 cc
Sweesh egg
Zubflug egg
Zebbit egg
Zarol egg
Xoloti first and egg
Wahla egg
Valenbun egg
Bessy egg 850 cc

About Smorlin Eggs

A strong aroma of burnt marshmallows and chocolate surround Smorlin eggs.

About the Smorlin Creature

Smorlins are insectivores, spending a majority of their waking hours on the prowl for bugs throughout the night. Deceitfully sweet, they will lure in winged insects to the light produced by their flaming tails. When in range, Smorlins will incapacitate their prey by quickly flicking their tails to set them aflame.

This species is one of the leading causes of wildfires on Ark. As Smorlins hail from The Fiery Shadows, many Arkians believe these wildfires are started intentionally.