Cantikia the Cantik

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25 Sep 2014
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❤️A gift from Mythlight, never uft 😊 ❤️

About Cantik Eggs

Despite their rather spring-like appearance Cantik eggs are found exclusively in the fall. This means that they have very little natural camouflage and are a target for predators. To make up for this Cantik parents guard their nests with a ferocity that is unexpected from their otherwise friendly appearance.

Due to the beauty and jewel-tone appearance of these eggs they are sought after as decorations. Poaching is a very real threat to Cantiks and has reduced their population to almost endangered status.

About the Cantik Creature

The wings of a Cantik, despite their impractically small appearance, are powerful enough to maintain constant flight and can even bring a juvenile to staggering altitudes exceeding 285 meters above ground level.

It is not an uncommon sight to see a gathering of Cantiks in attendance at an Arkian wedding. The showering of Cantik rose petals over the newlywed couple is said to bring them great fortune and prosperity.