MomoYaoyorozu the Turkopia

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100% Happy
17 Nov 2017
17 Apr 2021
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Essence of Litsdnats
Stage Frozen

About Turkopia Eggs

Autumn captured in the form of an visually stunning egg. Well-crafted replicas of Turkopia eggs are commonly placed as the centerpiece during holiday meals, but Arkians looking to really impress their guests will opt to use the genuine article instead.

About the Turkopia Creature

Firmly planted upon the rear end of this turkey is a wicker cornucopia that had been meticulously crafted by its mother prior to hatching. There is a varying degree of quality depending upon the material used, but this cornucopia is durable enough to protect the Turkopia from being blindsided by predators.

Although the species is seen to represent a bountiful harvest, it makes for a poor meal compared to Perukeys or Gobblers since Turkopia meat is very tough and has a somewhat unpleasant aftertaste that is difficult to mask with seasoning.