taxxes the Taraxa

55 of 61
100% Happy
24 Jan 2021
17 Apr 2022
146 +1
422 +1
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About Taraxa Eggs

Be careful! This egg just might fly away if you leave it alone for too long.

About the Taraxa Creature

If you have seasonal allergies, the Taraxa might just be the cause of it. While many owners have no problems keeping one around, the older the Taraxa gets, the more pollen it produces. A very simple breeze can cause this creature to float away, although they always seem to find their way back home to their owner. The Taraxa enjoys being surrounded by other flowers or creatures just like them, as they both enjoy pollinating the Ark city. So when you see a beautiful bunch of flowers outside, make sure to thank the Taraxa!

Some Taraxa enjoy their time actually working inside of various flower shops within Ark. So if you like flowers, then this will be your best friend.