Ploofer the Irel

142 of 215
98% Happy
8 Jan 2023
12 Feb 2023
20 Jun 2023
15,024 +5
2,640 +1
7,875 +1
Recent Feeders

Essence of Litsdnats
Stage Frozen

Quest Creature
ᴛ ʜ ᴇ   s ǫ ᴜ ɪ ʀ ʀ ᴇ ʟ

My First Quest Accomplishment!
Adopted on January 8, 2023 ♥︎ Frozen on February 22, 2023


Feed Ploofer a Bucket of Nuts!

Bucket of Nuts Search
Strongroom 🥜 User Shops 🥜 General Food Store

Nut Buckets Squirrelled Away
@daisycat: 9
@matcha: 2

Ploofer does not eat rusty nuts. ^^


— — — — — — —
You found a key!
— — — — — — —

— — — — — — — — — — — — —
You stumble upon a tattered green diary.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —

— — — — — — —
𝒟𝒶𝒾𝓈𝓎'𝓈 𝒟𝒾𝒶𝓇𝓎
— — — — — — —

*you use the key to unlock it*


*gasp how dare u*


🎄 December 27, 2023
I've played Wordle nearly every day for the past couple years. Matcha had started using the same certain word for his first guess, so I had started using it too back then. That said, today is a good day to play Wordle. Do it! :-) 27 Dec 2023, 7:20 PM

🎃 October 19, 2023
Going to be an anatomical model for Halloween this year! Body painted. Basically Nirvana's In Utero album cover, sans wings. I'd LOVE to do wings too and complete it, but I'm fine with a regular model too. Mainly skipping out on the wings to save money and because without them it still works. ^^

🎃 October 13, 2023
Finally Friday... :,)

🎃 October 11, 2023
Me: Trying to get Christmas presents for friends ahead of time...
Also Me: Worried they will get xyz before Christmas or someone else will give it to them before / for Christmas / they will get it themselves before then... >.<

🎃 October 4, 2023
Drag's birthday coming up... then Twinkle's...!! ^^ Speaking of, today is one of my brother's birthdays!!

🌿 September 10, 2023
Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday and sent birthday gifts / creatures! :,) When you're someone who is always trying to find and send gifts for others, sometimes it's still odd to receive gifts back. x) You are all so generous and thoughtful! I won't forget you. ❤️

💐 June 30, 2023
*keeps checking Revelca URL and other URL possibilities...*
*remembers it may not be uploaded until around July 20th...*
-__- Lol oops.

💐 June 26, 2023
Oops, I did it again... :,) Posted in the guild PM... Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

💐 June 23, 2023
So excited for my Revelca. :-)

💐 June 14, 2023
My Pixices hatched!! 😍 Today was a good day.

💐 June 4, 2023

🌸 May 11, 2023

🌧️ April 22, 2023
The amount of people on here who don't reply to offers or questions in PMs (with a simple "no", "nty", "not uft anymore") never ceases to amaze me. Inconsiderate. Just reply NTY. It's simple. And I see them responding to people from their wall or offers from their wall! But not PMs? Since it's private and hidden, you'll be inconsiderate and disrespectful there? Since no one will find out? And I'm talking about at least FIVE different users I've had this interaction with (or lack thereof). I simply don't understand what's so hard about saying no thank you. Zero reply doesn't mean "no" to me, it means maybe you missed my message... should I resend? It means maybe you don't like me... what did I do? It means you're deliberately ignoring me... why?

🌧️ April 13, 2023
𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛™

🌧️ April 12, 2023
53/100 quests for an Olimpt. Last day is tomorrow. Obviously gave up on getting two a while ago lol. And nearly gave up on getting just one. I am so beyond over questing. It's so dull. I don't think I'm going to quest ever again after this one. It's just so ughhhhhhhhhh. ;P

🌧️ April 9, 2023
Thought about ATC in the past... and now that I'm really thinking about it and looking into it and considering it... you must be UNDER 31 to apply. I am literally 31. I am soooo sad lol this is so dumb. XD Though I seriously admire how you're required to retire by 56. Many jobs could benefit from requiring employees to retire or at least retest themselves to see if they are still qualified and "all there".

🌧️ April 7, 2023
Happy Passover (now) and Happy Easter (soon). n_n

🌧️ April 4, 2023
How can someone post a giveaway, saying it runs until April 8th, and then the FIRST post after that asks if they can enter or if it's too late??????? I seriously do not understand people. The topic was JUST posted. You are the FIRST user to comment on it. And the topic says it ends April 8th. Today is the 4th. I just...

☘️ March 29, 2023
Not me being a casual player now...? o.o Haven't completed dailies in over a week (decided to stop), don't visit the cave daily, and only completing a few quests per day, if at all. :,) Lol. Other priorities now.
In other news: Tomorrow is my mom's birthday... she is turning 70...?!?!?! 😱😱😱 Whaaa?! She has always looked young for her age, I get that from her since everyone thinks I'm 20 more or less. XD

☘️ March 28, 2023
Yuzus Oak should be Yuzu Soak. Because it's a bath of steamy yuzu water that you soak in. DESPERATE FOR THIS TRAVEL LOL PLZ U DON'T UNDERSTAND I NEEEEED IIIIIT. *SpongeBob*

☘️ March 27, 2023
Made vegan haggis (The Pesky Vegan's recipe, check it out) with whisky cream sauce and mashed potatoes.

☘️ March 26, 2023
My bf has taken it upon himself to make a list on his laptop of dying coves and feed them basically every day. :,) XD He is sooo cute! He's been doing this for a couple weeks now! He mentioned it to me and I was like oh, dying coves, that's a thing! And I showed him the topic for it and he's like ahhh, that makes sense. And I believe he added some of those to his list. x)

☘️ March 22, 2023
No spirit to quest. Or to play. u_u
Made homemade scones + lemon curd today. So good. :-D
Saw Immersive Mozart this past weekend with my bf and got Thai food after. When we first started dating, he asked me on a date to Immersive Van Gogh. 😊

☘️ March 15, 2023
Please just release the new VEND stock already. :,)

☘️ March 3, 2023
I've been making a ginger chai latte every morning for a few months, with something different here and there. Today was one of those here and there different days; I decided to make a vanilla latte. I made Kevin a matcha as usual, but I told him he can try some of mine if he wants. He tried it, and was like, "Mmmm oh my GOSH...?! Why is that so GOOD?!" and I'm like, "Uhh... I made it?" LOL not something I'd normally say (such a non-humble manner), but it's just because Kevin is always saying how good everything I make is, so it's like, if he feels that way, why is he asking, he seems to know / have his opinion already. XD He replies, "Yeah, but like, I've had coffee before, but this... this is the best coffee I have ever had." I was like !!!!!! whhAAAT!?!?!? O_O LOL!! I am so honored! XD

☘️ March 1, 2023
Happy March! Spring will be here soon!!
"I should get a Purple Secret Valentine and send it to my girlfriend..."
matcha has sent you, daisycat, an item "Purple Secret Valentine".
Kevin said this out loud yesterday and sent me one lol omg he's sooo CUTE. 🥺

💌 February 23, 2023
You have 5,284 Chocolates Received available to spend.
Me, going to buy everything last minute... o.o

💌 February 20, 2023
I can't believe it!!! 😱
(The URL literally says WTG... way to go. XD)

💌 February 17, 2023
People are so strange...

💌 February 16, 2023
Why do users post huge trade lots with tons of fancy critters in them, and then disappear. Happened twice recently and idk how many times in the past. I've got a lot of messages sent with no replies lol, even though some say "UFT message me offer". ;_;

💌 February 15, 2023
I wish I had a dollar every time someone answered Twinkle's Adoption Center "What do you like about this creature?" with "What's not to like?" LMAO!!!!! Well. I'd have $3. Unless someone worded it more differently one of the times. I could have sworn it was more. Checked with control F. I should sift through the whole topic cuz I swear there's one or two more. Sorry it's just too funny to me how often it was said. XD Like can you actually answer the question LOL.

💌 February 12, 2023
Trying to get a head start on Double Feed Day. It's always on a Sunday, and every Sunday we visit my boyfriend's parents and sister. So it's usually the day I am offline the most. So working on feeding a bunch right now... ~.~ Updates: Made a bit over 1 mil, more than any other double feed day cuz of the circumstances. XD

💌 February 11, 2023
Anyone ever notice how the Baked Bun quests require you to buy items from The Bakery, and yet, Sophie at Baked Bun is in "direct competition" with The Bakery? But her products are coming from The Bakery? Lmfao. She plans to beat them with their own products... this girl is messed up. XD
Sophie welcomes you with a warm smile and says, "Thank you for stopping by. If you didn't know, my store is in direct competition with The Bakery. Will you help me source a diverse selection of delicious goods? With your help, I think we can beat them. I pay fair market value, of course!"

💌 February 6, 2023
What's with multiple people posting on different topics where OP hasn't been on in like eight years LOL.
Also, why do people keep putting auctions up, starting at insane prices like 1.5 mil, and keep doing it even though no one ever bids on them? Are they waiting for an accidental bid? Auctions are for the money to build up, not for it to start at a crazy price -- especially not way over what the creature is even worth. XD

💌 February 4, 2023
Ten more days! 💘

💌 February 3, 2023
Smitten. c:
Not sure if I'm gonna do a raffle again anytime soon. I love hosting them so much, but I hate the inevitability of only a few people winning, when many have entered. I know that's the point of a raffle and having random winners, but I wish I could give the prizes to everyone. >.<

❄️ January 31, 2023
I'm so excited. :-)))))))))))))))

❄️ January 30, 2023
Tomorrow is the last day to enter my Valentine's Day Giveaway!

❄️ January 29, 2023
I wish the inventory was reversed, so that new items showed up at the top instead of the bottom. Makes more sense. And that's how Neopets is. ;P
Sent a bunch of travels, toys, and baked goods to donations!

❄️ January 25, 2023
Planning to go to a cat café for Valentine's Day with my bf. ❤️ Not on the actual day, but around that time. We've both never been to one. I'm dying to go. :} Then on Valentine's Day itself, we'll probably make a heart-themed dinner together. c:
So snowy today! 😱
The rules and drama of a virtual pet site... lol. Previous CRWs showed all stages on each creatures' release day. No explanation to why it's different and hidden this year? And someone asked to see the stages and my comment got deleted because I told them how? If users who really want a surprise for when their egg hatches and evolves, then they can look past my comment and restrain themselves from looking at the stages. They won't look if they want to see naturally or at the end of the week. But why keep this from users who want to see but aren't sure how? What if they don't like the stages and don't want to waste time trying to hatch them? Instead of looking at the other stages the way I had said, you want them to spend money to hatch them faster to see the stages? (That's also why, in general, the baby and teen stages are usually better artwork, poses, more thought, cuter. Money grab. I know you need money but come on lol.) Egg Cave's fan site, Egg Cavity, gives you the option to see all stages; why isn't Egg Cave telling Egg Cavity to remove that feature then? Lol so uptight for what this site is. Again, if someone wants to see naturally, they would have read my comment and moved on. At least mention in a blog post, an addendum, to not reveal the stages and keep them for the end of the week or if someone pays to hatch theirs or uses a toy or featured pet as the method.

❄️ January 23, 2023
Well I tried to get a species name. I'm happy Blue got it if anyone. XD
Maybe it takes the fun out of it a bit, but I just copy the link of the creature and change the number to see the other stages... you don't have to wait... you guys know you can do that, right... 😬 Heh.
I was somewhat keeping track of travels I like in a notepad document... made it official on Egg Cavity and linked on my goals page! They are travels that I love / collect / my favorites / travels that I hope to buy.

❄️ January 22, 2023
A pet peeve is when I come online and my notifications are like, you lost this auction, and that auction, and this one too... ohkaaay, which... which ones? Auction #3738475869429? Am I supposed to remember what creature that was? Along with #29485968383 as well? Am I supposed to write it down? e_e I wish the notification would state what was in the auction. Or I wish when you clicked on it, it would show you the closed auction with the creature / image, instead of just the processed logs. What's the point of the notification linking me to whatever, when it doesn't say what the auction was for. There's no way it's just me thinking this. XD When I first started, I assumed that link would go to the auction bidding page and it'd be closed and the page would be available for at least a DAY -- I'd see the creature(s) and all the bids and the winner, so I'd have time to check it out. ;o

❄️ January 21, 2023
Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day! Show some extra love to your Irels, Orzechos, Bellatos, Quinnits, Scarrfels, Teckarcks, and more! ❤️
My bf's mom gave us some nice maple syrup, so today's breakfast: homemade pancakes to try it out with. I also served them with fresh whipped cream and my homemade raspberry jam. Nothing like the feeling of relief when you finally finish scooping & cooking pancake batter... long process lol. XD
I wish there was a drop-down menu in the strongroom so I could view all the travels I have at once, instead of going through each page. -_-'

❄️ January 19, 2023
I've finally "finished" the travels for my creatures; some are tentative because I'm still on the lookout for ones I think will fit better.
For today's drink I made a raspberry matcha latte! Heat oat milk. Add in homemade raspberry jam or puree. Add matcha to warmed chawan and whisk in 150 F water for two minutes. Add matcha to oat milk and froth. It's good hot, but I do prefer this one iced. It will have a murky color from the added raspberry, but it'll taste lovely. :-}

❄️ January 14, 2023
Baking day! I have an order for Sunday for a retirement party. Client wants a two layer vanilla cake, raspberry filling, raspberry buttercream frosting, topped with fresh whipped cream and fresh raspberries, with text on top! Mm. I'll make the frosting today, and then I think I'm gonna make the cake early morning tomorrow (delivery is at noon). And then right after that, we're having my boyfriend's family's Christmas (the FINAL one I hope LOL) because his sister's flight got cancelled so she never got to come in for Christmas Day. So she'll be here tomorrow (they delayed Christmas and gifts until her arrival). For her I am making raspberry crumble bars (done), matcha leaf cookies with matcha icing drizzle (done), and chocolate chip chai shortbread cookies (done).
The count to a million topic was started 12 years ago. We are currently at 30,041. Assuming the rate does not change, 30,000 (rounded current number) divided by 12 (years) = 2,500 increments per year. So 1,000,000 (the goal) divided by 2,500 (average increment per year) = 400 years (from 2010) to get to 1,000,000. So, that means from now, 2023, it will take 388 years to reach 1,000,000, aka, the year 2410.

❄️ January 13, 2023
Dear Diary,
Mood: Apathetic
My life is spiraling downward. I couldn't get enough CC to... *end scene* Props to you if you understood that reference / quote! Good times. :-} Happy Friday the 13th!
When I first saw the Trask, I wanted to get one and name her Daisy or DaisyCat. But now that I have one (thank you @flakes), I've decided on DAISY but with the I as a lowercase L... until I can maybe get the name Daisy, or, until I change it to DaisyCat. x)

❄️ January 12, 2023
Does anyone use EC Discord? I joined a few days ago but it doesn't seem very active. Is it for voice too, or just instant messaging? O.o

❄️ January 11, 2023

❄️ January 10, 2023
Somewhat updated my goals page. I'd really like to restrict myself in the pets I have in my cove.
On our profiles, there's one spot empty, next to the shop icon (on computer); I wish they'd implement a gallery feature!
Here's a simple recipe for a yummy snack: Mix together some soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, and fresh ginger. (Optional: Fresh green onions and freshy grated garlic, and if you'd like some sweetness, brown sugar!) Peel, remove seeds, and slice a cucumber. Toss the slices in the sauce and enjoy!
How about a hot drink? (Also fab iced.) Steep loose leaf masala chai for five minutes; this will fill one half of your cup. Meanwhile, heat the other half, being oat milk (Oatly!), and add vanilla, cinnamon, sugar to taste, and a pinch of salt. Optional: Froth the milk. Then, combine the two! Such a lovely and comforting drink. Maybe I will make a lil recipe page some day.
Another typo, when you adopt a pet: "You are a kind soul! You have successfully adopted this creature. You can find it's profile here." Should be its not it's. :-D

❄️ January 9, 2023
My first entry! Hello to anyone reading, welcome! I thought it would be fun to have a page where I type out random thoughts and happenings, like a journal or diary. For myself or for anyone who is bored! I planned to create this when I achieved an Irel, and I finally did yesterday. One of the cutest pets on here. :-D Also, there's a typo on the Quest Tokens page. It says "you" and should say "your". Anyway. Today's thoughts: Quality over quantity. 😊

About Irel Eggs

Irel (pronounced eeh-rehl) eggs can be commonly found throughout the forests of Ark in the winter. The brown hue of the egg closely matches that of acorns, and it is likely because of this that adult Irel choose to hide their offspring inside hollow trees before the eggs hatch. The bushy tail protruding from the egg is often an indicator of how healthy the Irel is. The fluffier and large tails tend to correspond to more lively and active offspring compared to thin, unkempt tails.

About the Irel Creature

Although the population of wild Irel is high, these creatures are considered by many to be beneficial rather than a common pest. Irel have an overwhelming instinct to be clean and will spend a majority of the day grooming themselves to perfection. Additionally, Irel are natural gardeners and find great pleasure in pulling weeds and otherwise making sure gardens, yards, and forests are well cared for. Many wealthy Arkians have attempted to domesticate Irel in the hope that they will stay and care for their grounds, but these efforts have proven to be fruitless. Irel will often move in packs tending to the grounds and will migrate to new areas that are in need of help. Despite this symbiotic relationships between Irel and Arkians, seldom Irel actually interact with humans and tend to keep mostly to themselves.