Pikusise the Pixices

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About Pixices Eggs

These tiny eggs, even though they're coated in a pretty thick sparkling slimy cover, are very fragile. They're found sticking under the leaves of river plants in the bottom of rivers, but can also be found inside the bodies of water of the Egg Cave. If you want to get one, you have to be really careful, or else it'll shatter within seconds!

As the species itself has just been discovered, Science and Research Center in Ark City has recently informed that taking care of a Pixices egg is very difficult. The temperature, moisture, and air density must be regulated in order to keep it healthy.

Although, if you manage to take care of your Pixices egg perfectly, you'll be in for a surprise as the egg then floats above the ground and glows slightly. Then, the slime cover slowly disappears and the scales inside falls of one by one like glitter.

About the Pixices Creature

A newly discovered fish-like species, this peculiar creature seems to be able to flutter in the air like a butterfly with its tail fins... and breathe oxygen outside the water as well? Weird. Since this creature's appearance is similar to that of a butterfly or a fairy, it has earned the title of "River Faes" amongst the residents of Ark.

There has been speculation regarding how Pixici (plural form) function or where they come from, but recently, the Science and Research Center in Ark City has discovered a few things about them.

  • The baby state's transparent body is filled with magical energy that supports its body and, as they apparently don't have great eyesight, they use their very sensitive antennae to detect the auras of various things to navigate through the world around them.
  • The adult stage now has scales covering its previously transparent body. Its antennas can now glow in the dark and detect emotions as well as auras too. It seems like it has the ability to do a little bit of fairy magic now, which is something no other fish species currently discovered can do...
  • As a result, many Arkians have speculated that the Pixices originated from the Fairy World when some fairies visited Ark and accidentally left some of these creatures' eggs in the rivers along the way. The research team has concluded that this will aid and assist them in their ongoing discoveries.

Origin theories aside, it seems that the fully-hatched stages seem to leave some vividly colored dust from their tail fins as they flutter in the sky. Nobody knows what are made of nor what are they for and theories have sprung from it ranging from simple land fertilizers, one of the key ingredients to making a love potion, and all the way to a happiness-inducing drug. Whatever is it, this said dust is still being intensely researched on by the Science and Research Center in Ark City.