AgentGourd the Qarga

14 of 520
0% Happy
29 Nov 2023
8 Dec 2023
18 Feb 2024
5,539 +1
Recent Feeders
🎄 Provo's December Feeding Contest!🎄

Welcome everyone to the December feeding contest! I'm trying out yet another new style for this one (inspired by Taunter's feeding contest, which as of now is still running, so go check it out!); I'll be putting a poll up at some point during the month to determine which style everyone likes the best 😊

Like last month, this contest will also run for the entire month! Entries posted on Dec. 31 will be counted, but any entry on Jan. 1 and beyond will not be counted.

How to enter:
❄️ Feed creatures in the "Feeding Contest" tab of my cove; each creature is worth 1 ticket, so you can earn a total of 20 tickets per day! I'll be rotating these creatures around every so often, so don't worry if you notice some changes!
🔔 Post after you've fed with your total number of tickets! I'll be keeping track of the totals on this post.
❄️ Only feeds from your main account are valid for the contest!


I'll be using a random picker to draw five winners, and each winner will receive one of the creatures listed above! Additionally: If you have a ticket total of 450 or more by the end of the month, you will receive a random Halloween constellation!

Good luck to all, and happy feeding!

About Qarga Eggs

Oh look, it's another giant gourd growing in the Farmlands of Ark...

About the Qarga Creature

Qargas are monstrous gourds that terrorize and devour the Farmlands of Ark with their insatiable appetite. They must be dealt with swiftly as pests, otherwise farmers risk losing their entire harvest for the year. Qargas reproduce at an extremely high rate and spread like weeds; there is no risk of them ever being endangered or going extinct.

Qargas are such a threat that the Town Hall has deemed them the most significant threat to food security on the island of Ark. Qargas are fast evolving, which means that the Science and Research Center in Ark City has to update the formula for Qarga Weed Killer each year, and sometimes, they get the formula wrong.