Goldenshine the Urulei

54 of 140
94% Happy
23 Jan 2025
159 +2
95 +1
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About Urulei Eggs

This egg was given out for Creature Release Week in January of 2025.

Magic and starlight coalescing into something powerful.

About the Urulei Creature

Next to emerge from the aether is the Urulei. The magic that flows through their veins is a powerful force that can be used to bring prosperity to both animal and nature. Seeing one can be a sign of prosperity to come, but the true power comes if you manage to catch one.

There are myths born from the ancient alignments that tell of the immense prosperity that can be achieved from the proper sacrifice of an Urulei. These tales are rare and there have been attempts to reproduce the results during the last celestial alignment. Nothing came of those attempts as it quickly became clear that the Urulei would not just lay down and be sacrificed. Not only are they a force to be reckoned with in their own right but hunting any of aether-born will bring out the protective nature of any nearby Aio or worse a Nirosel. It is better to have a Urulei impart a small blessing with its presence than it is to attempt a proper sacrifice.

Any blessings obtained from the Urulei will linger beyond the end of the alignment. Those who have been so blessed will see the flash of their horns in the night sky until the blessing fades.