TeethNames the Tasma

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0% Happy
22 Apr 2012
30,729 +1
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Incisors - chisel shaped and cut food.
Molars - flat topped and grind food.
Canines - pointed and tear food.

Crown - the visible part of a tooth
Root - the anchor of the tooth

Enamel - the white outer surface of the tooth
Dentin - the hard tissue under the enamel
Pulp - the soft center of the tooth
Nerves - transmit signals (hot, pain etc) to the brain

About Tasma Eggs

Tasma eggs seem to exhibit weird tattoos and markings on the outer shell of their eggs.

About the Tasma Creature

Tasma enjoy the forests and mountains of Ark. Wild Tasma like hunting Alkub, Florn, and Foo. However, domesticated Tasma are very friendly creatures that behave much like a dog. Regardless, many creatures in Ark are mistrustful of Tasma.