Kaos the Moxel

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0% Happy
22 Jul 2012
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Remember, child, when Ark,
Was locked in eternal fight:
When half of Ark was Darkness,
And half of Ark was Light?
There was a time, my child,
When demons ruled the East,
And all those times of hate and lies
Were ruled by Kaos, a beast.
Kaos should be feared my child,
For he is the source of all bad,
So pray that never shall you meet,
For surely you'll go mad.
You see, those Demons of the East,
Were all that is insane.
They made the sky turn black with sin,
And crimson was their rain.

About Moxel Eggs

This egg was only given out on July 20-26 of 2012 for Egg Cave's 3-year birthday celebration.

About the Moxel Creature

Moxel tail hair is highly coveted because of its unique twinkle and vibrant colors. Their tail hair grows quickly, so it does no harm to trim the tail hair frequently and sell it for profit. A lot of women use Moxel tail hair as highlights in their own hair to accentuate their features.