Solaire the Macaw

41 of 46
0% Happy
16 Nov 2009
9,829 +1
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Allo, I'm Solaire which means solar in french, Yuki wanted to change my name but after some thought she noticed something funny about it. You see if you separate it you get sol which means ground and aire which of course without the e will be air in both language. Now look at me... Don't you think I look like a mix of something living on the ground and something living in the air? 😉
Coincidences can be so strange 😃
Hatched 03/12/09
Grew up 18/12/09

About Macaw Eggs

This creature is endangered.

Macaw eggs must be kept very warm to hatch.

About the Macaw Creature

The Macaw is a unique creature; the first-stage Macaw is very gullible, almost to the point of being dumb. Don't let first-stage Macaw out of your sight! During the first-stage, their brains are very underdeveloped. As their brains continue to develop, certain genes for skin designs and patterns turn on, metamorphosing into a rather beautiful creature. Nonetheless, even a fully matured Macaw still occasionally crashes into large, visible trees.