Stari the Macaw

138 of 300
0% Happy
26 Aug 2012
44,872 +3
264 +1
Recent Feeders
hi i'm trade64 i was found in the adoption center by naturegirl1999
i will someday hatch from this egg.

About Macaw Eggs

This creature is endangered.

Macaw eggs must be kept very warm to hatch.

About the Macaw Creature

The Macaw is a unique creature; the first-stage Macaw is very gullible, almost to the point of being dumb. Don't let first-stage Macaw out of your sight! During the first-stage, their brains are very underdeveloped. As their brains continue to develop, certain genes for skin designs and patterns turn on, metamorphosing into a rather beautiful creature. Nonetheless, even a fully matured Macaw still occasionally crashes into large, visible trees.