Common Stars: Searching For and Up for Trade

in Trading & Auctions

462 posts


megadash • 11 June 2015 at 10:38 PM

Please do not post offers here.
This post is to inform about what common stars that I'm looking for as well as those which I have for trade/sale. Please do not post here. Please send me a message with your offer, if interested.

* Battyrus - Male or Female
* Cosmomon - Male or Female
* Cyprinus - Male or Female
* Dinno - Male
* Dorrup - Male
* Frice - Female
* Garguaith - Male
* Horsca - Female
* Kangchroma - Male
* Nomtuk - Male
* Obarn - Female
* Savarab - Male
* Sey - Male
* Smokemuth - Male or Female
* Soltore - Female
* Sparktail - Male
* Tiver - Male
* Whoon - Female
* Yazan - Male or Female

All star creatures have their historic events cataloged. These are just Display Lots.

* Starred Sey and Horsca will ONLY be traded for the opposite genders of each.
* Starred Iramae is no longer available for common star trades. Will ONLY be available for endangered star trades.

Starred creatures below are not linked to prevent jerks from clicking/feeding them:
Star Pangolin: Female, Stage 3, Immortal
Star Magmish: Female, Stage 2, Immortal

I might be willing to swap for one as an egg
Star Yeep : Female, Fully-Evolved, Immortal

As a policy, I prefer to negotiate. I find it poor practice to label prices. If I give a range, people don't want anything less than the maximum. Whenever possible, I actually prefer creature-for-creature trades.

As a general policy, I'll pay more for newer creatures or creatures that are more specific. For example, if I'm only looking for one particular gender, or I'm getting an egg, I'll often pay more than if I were getting an evolved creature or one where I'm looking for either a male or female.


Last Updated: December 19th, 2017 @ 4:12 a.m. ECT
- Removal of "Kangchroma - Female" under "Searching For"

1,575 posts


sorrow • 11 July 2015 at 3:18 PM

I have a Female Star Yeep, but I don't really know if I want to part with her, I wrote a 11-page story {By hand} about her and all my other star creatures, It matters by what you offer.

EDIT: {I forgot to add these}
And a male Garguaith, but he was also a big part of the story

57 posts


jjlapple • 20 March 2017 at 6:47 PM

I have a star smokemuth but I don't know what your willing to offer.

47 posts


raregem1996 • 20 March 2017 at 7:00 PM

I have a Cyprinus Egg for the Star Horsca and Sey
