Creature Suggestion: The Coastigre

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

1,242 posts


bot • 6 March 2017 at 3:39 PM

New creature suggestion: The Coastigre (pronounced "coast-TEE-gray). The name is subject to change.


This creature was originally a Fakémon of mine, but I thought it would be better suited to be an Egg Cave creature. Because of this, I don't have a conceptualized Egg stage and the drawing of it includes stats about it that would apply to it as if it were an actual Pokémon, so please ignore the text on the image and only pay attention to the drawing itself. Thanks. 😊

Link to the drawing:



(Coastigre hatches out of its egg after achieving 150 clicks, and reaches its final stage at 500 clicks.)

About Coastigre Eggs

Coastigre eggs are incredibly buoyant and wash up on the shores of Ark Beach, surrounded by seafoam. The eggs have a distinct scent that smells just like a whiff of a salty maritime breeze, and are covered in a strange, slippery oil that makes them difficult to grasp. Under this oil is a layer of thin, blue fur that insulates the developing Coastigre's body temperature.

When a Coastigre egg is close to hatching, claw marks that penetrate the thick oil show up on the egg's surface. First-time Coastigre owners begin to worry that the scratches are from a predator, but they are actually from the creature inside beginning to claw its way out of its eggshell.

More about the Coastigre

Coastigre are prolific surfers, and they're the absolute best at what they do. Even from the moment they hatch, Coastigre are drawn to water and begin surfing at a young age. When they're not busy riding waves or looking totally gnarly, they comb the coastline in search of large seashells. They use the largest shells, usually from giant clams or other massive bivalves, as surfboards, and they use the smaller shells as armor to defend their soft bodies against the harsh undertow of the beaches they inhabit. Typically, the more shells a Coastigre wears, the more experienced they are at surfing.

Coastigre's tails constantly produce large bubbles. These bubbles are made of a strange oil made in their tails that smell faintly like fish, and are notoriously hard to pop. Coastigre hunt by dipping their tails in shallow seawater to attract small scavenging fish, then stab them with sharpened seashells. Then, they proceed to dig a deep hole in the sand with their tails, light a fire in the pit and char the fish they caught. Apparently, Coastigre-cooked fish are a delicacy in some areas.


Please let me know what you think of this creature! Thank you for reading. 😊

97 posts


oscoa • 25 March 2017 at 10:10 AM


This creatures is really cool though and cute from the first stage!! So cute!! I want to cuddle it ♥♥ Also, you are a great artist those art are amazing!! :'D ♥♥♥
