yogurt • 19 May 2020, 6:11 PM

lol I’m slowing down on trading now. Being home is so busy so trading so much isn’t such a priority anymore XD

yogurt • 19 May 2020, 6:06 PM

Ahh yea sometimes we got to let go of our favorites. let me know if you’d take an avem for it x)

dreamception • 19 May 2020, 5:51 PM

id be more comfortable trading my lyralopex for the two o: but not both, sorry :c

yogurt • 19 May 2020, 5:47 PM

youre trading your tarsier? 😱 whaaaattt

thedarkarcher • 19 May 2020, 5:15 PM

Aww thanks it actually came with that name when i traded 😊 Thank you! I really appreciate your kindness.

ravensong • 19 May 2020, 5:07 PM

Guess what! I'm an aunt today! My nephew was born today! Fed! ❤️

nut • 19 May 2020, 3:22 PM

lmao oh wow. well maybe thats thanks to the policing and filtering on this site, and maybe younger people in general are here? like we started VERY young lol

nut • 19 May 2020, 3:01 PM

also how old is that site? honestly i'm surprised this one hasnt devolved like that after over a decade

nut • 19 May 2020, 3:01 PM

i honestly don't want to know where they went, but wherever it is we need to pull them here. think of the economy

nut • 19 May 2020, 2:53 PM

yeah it is kind of inactive, lowkey wish i went to business school (not) and could do some Marketing for this site, like im sure tumblr furries would flock in the thousands. and noooo i never did gaiaonline lol but i did Howrse which is much worse i think

nut • 19 May 2020, 2:46 PM

nooo please don't leave me in this cesspool ;-;

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 11:37 AM

I am definitely a night owl and I work better like that anyways. It does suck when I have to hand in things at 2am because I know for sure I won't be awake when it's due at 10am. It's happened a few times ^^; Eventually I will go back, corona's not gonna be around forever

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 10:32 AM

dude 12:30 is crazy early for me now. Only cause I can wake up whenever though. When we had school I had to wake up at 7 so I would literally be screwed if school was still a thing omg

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 10:31 AM

up doing what I would generally do in my leisure time so like eggcave, recently flight rising, comics and stories. I have a super messed up schedule ik. I need to fix it asap since we're going back to school fr soon. It's 12:30 now and I remember when that was late for me. HAH

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 10:29 AM

See, thing is, I take a huge ass break everyday. But wait do I? I sleep really [yeep] early like from 4am to 10am usually. It's kinda crazy. I wake up around 2-3pm and then start work around 5 and take smallish breaks every now and then. Sometimes I finish early but I just stay

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 8:21 AM

stination and bad time management. ALso the fact that I get distracted sometimes, ahem like now ahem. I should really continue working

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 8:20 AM

Nah no need for that. I've got a good solution. If I remember to swoop in later and it's still up then I will bid. Only if no one else has bid already though, they prolly want it more anyways 😊 School has been around for ages and it's honestly hard to keep up with with my procra

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 7:54 AM

Consuming** I think my mind is stuck in work cause everything is so confusing lol. Ok turns out it's still ufa, 5 hours in fact. Dang I actually have to decide now. I mean at least I have 5 hours to

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 7:51 AM

Ohh yeah i totally get what you mean. Travels naming all that is so time confusing. I wonder if its still ufa i havent been on in a little while. Kinda hoping that the auction is done so I have an excuse NOT to spend 200k haha!

sorrow • 19 May 2020, 7:36 AM

fed all ❤️

kayuubii • 19 May 2020, 5:56 AM

I payed about 500 CC for it, so about that much 😊

surgeon • 19 May 2020, 1:00 AM

We did some apartment hunting there today and stopped by a chicken place called nandos which I had never been to before but was SO good

surgeon • 19 May 2020, 12:59 AM

Feeding all for ya ~ OMG Yes the shopping in downtown and the food are my absolute favorites ❤️ wheres your favorite place to go in the Loop??

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 12:09 AM

Oh my god theres another choconom, this time in the auctions and its only going for 200k ;-; Should I go for it? But it would mess up my line of five and then I'd have to get 4 more to make it look good again. Oh god this is a pain

qtpie7 • 19 May 2020, 12:09 AM

fed! 😊

totallynotjoey • 19 May 2020, 12:01 AM

Yeah that's essentially what's happening haha! When I downsize a bunch more I want to name, travel, and chuck a creature bio onto all of my favourites. You need to rename them?! I love the names you have, especially macintosh, pepe, juan, ramune and sepia. Unless at periwinkle?

pet_cemetery • 18 May 2020, 9:46 PM

Any chance you Nogar is UFT? It's been a major drenie of mine since i started this game (i love dragons and its design is so cool)

nut • 18 May 2020, 3:24 PM

yes agggg i love it so!

nut • 18 May 2020, 3:18 PM

!! cool deer very nice

thedarkarcher • 18 May 2020, 2:15 PM

Hello just wanted to say how beautiful i think your cove is especially your travel combinations. Wishing that the rest of your day is a good one ❤️