Wall: balletninja

chibiloki88 • 1 Aug 2011, 1:07 AM

hi! fed all 😊

thepells4 • 31 Jul 2011, 9:32 PM

-past few days so I had to sleep on a lumpy couch at the hotel, plus my back has been so stiff from sunburns. I can barely move. O_O

thepells4 • 31 Jul 2011, 9:31 PM

Same here... Probably cu it's summer tohugh. xD At least that's what it's like for me during the summer. Plus I was an vacation the-

thepells4 • 31 Jul 2011, 9:25 PM

It kinda annoyed me when it happened to me. xD My head was spinning, I couldn't tihnk straight, and I was exhausted and in a bad mood. So-

thepells4 • 31 Jul 2011, 9:16 PM

-couch then woke up at 5 pm and thought it was 5 AM. O_o I was in a very bad mood. xD

thepells4 • 31 Jul 2011, 9:16 PM

*@Status* OMG I did that once. xD I was at a sleepover and stayed up all night without sleeping so when I got home I fell asleep on my-

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 5:49 PM


frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 5:22 PM

I don't even look like a girl! DX

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 5:15 PM

And hot topic. 😃

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 5:15 PM

Lol, you think I go shopping? I'm not a tranny! I only go to American Eagle, Hollister, Aeropostale, Abrecrombie (or howevver you spell it)

cafe • 31 Jul 2011, 5:13 PM

I role play B] Dats how I...roll?

cafe • 31 Jul 2011, 5:10 PM

Be a wolf or something, so you stop and grow out of it. [That's why I like little kids, you have a reason to act "odd"]

cafe • 31 Jul 2011, 5:10 PM

Feel as though you're kinda are in a book, because of you're imagination. Then when you get older, it's odd to walk around pretending to -

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 5:08 PM

Yo no se what that is. >;(

cafe • 31 Jul 2011, 5:08 PM

Yeah. [Though my life is kinda.. hectic] I'd rather it be hectic saving the world, than hectic idiot relatives. And as a kid, you kinda -

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 5:07 PM

Hola Megan, como estas?

cafe • 31 Jul 2011, 5:05 PM

The ouiji board? XD

isis • 31 Jul 2011, 5:02 PM

😊 Thanks for adopting him 😸

isis • 31 Jul 2011, 4:58 PM

Lot #31873 😃

isis • 31 Jul 2011, 4:53 PM

Nvm everything is okay now 😉 And thanks 😸 Wait, you didn't get Valrgun yet 😱 *shame on me* x3

isis • 31 Jul 2011, 4:44 PM

Ikr? 😈 Oh and I was sad because I dissapointed a good friend ;_; 😋

district • 31 Jul 2011, 3:16 PM

That lot is closed. 😋

isis • 31 Jul 2011, 12:12 PM

Balletninja! (epicness *-*)

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 10:52 AM

Hopefully he gets banned. :| That would make my day!

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 10:45 AM

I'm pretty sure a hacker would do more damage then just cuss at someone. T_t

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 10:44 AM

I don't think he got hacked or whatever. Most likely he did whatever was on that screen shot. "/

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 10:33 AM

I saw on Cherry's profile someone posted: "Any luck on the Shaibun?" If you want a shaibun, I can give you mines! 😊

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 10:19 AM

Lmao, Asian people SCARE me. ☚ī¸

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 10:14 AM

I wasn't very attentive in class

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 10:04 AM

>__________________________________________________________> You go to school too much! 😃