Wall: balletninja

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 9:58 AM

I don't read! 😈

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 9:56 AM

Opps, I hate* They're like soggy old people. D;

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 9:54 AM


frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 9:43 AM

Ewwwie. At least he's walking up the stairs, and we know he's not constipated!

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 9:41 AM

Aw, ☚ī¸ that's pretty nasty, though. >_>

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 9:38 AM

Lol, is your other dog doing well? ☚ī¸

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 9:31 AM

Ew, I'm not a fan of cats. I found a tiny one in Guatemala, I started petting it... >_>

frosty • 31 Jul 2011, 9:28 AM

Omg, I found a doggy! 😃 I named him Jelly 😊

icymuffin • 31 Jul 2011, 1:48 AM

Ohaithere~~ xD I'm fine I guess... Could be better xD You?

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 6:18 PM


frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 6:14 PM

Or else...? >_>

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 6:07 PM

Hehehhehehehe 😃

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 5:56 PM


frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 5:54 PM

Lmao! 😈

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 5:51 PM

Lol, thanks for the info! 😃

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 5:49 PM

Haha, which stage? 😊

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 5:48 PM

Lmao! I'm planning on doing something for you. What is your favorite creature on Egg Cave?

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 5:45 PM

I feel nauseous, my neck hurts (every time I get sick, my neck hurts for some reason) -_- And the rest of the common cold symptoms. D;

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 5:39 PM

Ugh, I feel like I'm getting sick. D;

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 5:15 PM

Aw, thanks SO much! Even if you don't win it, the idea of it counts! And never mind, I remembered about my side account. ;D

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 5:12 PM

Do you have any name changes? 😊

isis • 30 Jul 2011, 4:54 PM

True but maybe you can ask Ian to delete it? ☚ī¸

isis • 30 Jul 2011, 4:45 PM

OMG.....WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THAT? D: Seriously -_- I think you should block him/her and report him/her ☚ī¸

isis • 30 Jul 2011, 4:43 PM

I am busy yes, but I can talk to you if you want 😸 HEY YOU CHEATERS! *pokes trish's comment* Haha jk 😸

trish • 30 Jul 2011, 4:39 PM

Didn't you hear? Nyan Cat was her weakness! XD

trish • 30 Jul 2011, 4:37 PM

You gonna win! 😋

isis • 30 Jul 2011, 3:28 PM

No, better, Valgrun, you'd be the best owner C:

isis • 30 Jul 2011, 3:27 PM

Is Effa allright? 8D And don't be too sad I'm not gone yet ☚ī¸

isis • 30 Jul 2011, 3:21 PM

OHMAIGAWSH I'M TEH OLIMPTQUEEN 8D Thanks for saying that :'} I wanted to give you something from your wishlis but there isn't one 😱

frosty • 30 Jul 2011, 3:18 PM

How what? ;D