Wall: despair

fuzzykins412 • 1 Nov 2012, 9:10 PM

*impatient tapping of foot* -.-

fuzzykins412 • 1 Nov 2012, 9:04 PM

Sorreh. Was at piano. I'm at chatzy now. xDD

immortalraven • 1 Nov 2012, 8:26 PM

I kind of only want creatures from my wishlist also.

immortalraven • 1 Nov 2012, 8:25 PM

I like the Nym but it says NUFT and it is frozen. I don't really like frozen eggs.And a lot of yours are frozen.I like the Flofbite a little

morgana • 1 Nov 2012, 7:59 PM


maydeeoliver • 1 Nov 2012, 7:39 PM


maydeeoliver • 1 Nov 2012, 7:32 PM


shadowheart3 • 1 Nov 2012, 7:30 PM

So pretty! 0.o *throws hungry pinkunk at them* They'll eat them! ;D

maydeeoliver • 1 Nov 2012, 7:25 PM


mairbear • 1 Nov 2012, 7:19 PM

Darn, I'm jealous... *steals food* XD

maydeeoliver • 1 Nov 2012, 7:16 PM

12345678i8765432123456789564321 I am fabulous.

maydeeoliver • 1 Nov 2012, 7:07 PM

Ooh, you challenging me? Fine. 98754321.

mairbear • 1 Nov 2012, 7:06 PM

Ooh nice, what are you having? XD I'm just making a wrap... so it's more assembly than anything lols ๐Ÿ˜‹

shadowheart3 • 1 Nov 2012, 7:05 PM

Noooooo! Not the ninja tacos! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

maydeeoliver • 1 Nov 2012, 7:00 PM

little one? Are you the one?" (Absolutely no pun intended XD)

maydeeoliver • 1 Nov 2012, 6:59 PM

Haha XD I like typing everything except numbers. I'm not used to typing them, so I have to peer at the keyboard and go like, "Is that y

maydeeoliver • 1 Nov 2012, 6:54 PM

Those are spots in coves that I need to continue feeding XD

mairbear • 1 Nov 2012, 6:50 PM

LOL Bored and lazy XD Great combo ๐Ÿ˜‹ I'm making dinner atm ^^

shadowheart3 • 1 Nov 2012, 6:48 PM

Haha! Just because of that I'm leaving it! xD

mairbear • 1 Nov 2012, 6:43 PM

Lols, post-Halloween low now ๐Ÿ˜‹ You could go back to goku now if you wanted.. that might keep you busy for a while ๐Ÿ˜‹

mairbear • 1 Nov 2012, 5:07 PM

Heyo~ Wassup? ๐Ÿ˜ธ

pjbuzzy • 1 Nov 2012, 4:52 PM

Your is stunning as wellโค๏ธ

pjbuzzy • 1 Nov 2012, 4:52 PM

Thanks you! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

syndrome • 1 Nov 2012, 4:49 PM

Pinged you as @goku since you'll be changing back soon. Just find the topic in the livepulse.

syndrome • 1 Nov 2012, 4:25 PM

Then go to Xbox chat ๐Ÿ˜Š

syndrome • 1 Nov 2012, 4:24 PM

Got any minutes?

syndrome • 1 Nov 2012, 4:23 PM

I โค๏ธ it ๐Ÿ˜Š

syndrome • 1 Nov 2012, 4:13 PM

Do you like the new feature?

syndrome • 1 Nov 2012, 4:06 PM

Agreed xD

luigi • 1 Nov 2012, 4:05 PM

what you doing