Wall: frescotux1o1

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 5:27 PM

not sure if I can keep it yet I may have to take it back beacuse iam moving and need the money for the deposit

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 5:16 PM

hehe wile lafing eviley muhaaa I have a newer computer for now and its really fast 😋

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 5:12 PM

I delited it for you haha I beat you too it

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 5:09 PM

yikes and I dont whant to take them all okay name her Sythia

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 5:06 PM

humm beeter Idea How manny names changes do you have ? I have analready named pet in my cove that would be perfect

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:57 PM

hehe take you time I cant wait to see what you will come up with

pizza5pizza5 • 31 Jan 2011, 4:57 PM

I have fed your list 😃

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:56 PM

its a lot better then the one she has before 😋

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:55 PM

oh cool I dint even know about that floweris there anything shorter you my not if not dont worry about it

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:53 PM

so that what she chose its almost as bad as it was with Jazabelle name was lol iam glad I have such great friends to hep me out with names

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:52 PM

hehe your silly I know you wouldent do that to me yea I know she couldent think of any names for her

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:48 PM

trust me I ant going to whant her old name back lololol here is the lot Lot #18172697
Thank you for renaming her for me

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:39 PM

nomg really cool no not yet I dont have any name changes avaliable do you have any extra I can have and you can name her for me ?

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:34 PM

Thank you for feading all mine feed eveyone

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:28 PM

since I traded mine for Jazabelle I dont need a name for herany more but i do need some for my new baby mo

dragonkeeper • 31 Jan 2011, 4:27 PM

omg her stanger sorry I was in the middle of trading for yet another mo feading back now

xpranksterchickx • 31 Jan 2011, 1:41 PM

Fed list. 😊 I was wondering, do you have an extra Purple Night Sky travel? 😸

opundo • 30 Jan 2011, 11:41 PM

Hey, thanks for feeding my list while I was on vacation~ 😊 Fed all!

athiena14 • 30 Jan 2011, 5:39 PM

fed 5 back thank you

stellalunagirl • 30 Jan 2011, 5:11 PM

Oh eden is just missing plenty right now.. he went away for this bountiful crop harvest seminar

stellalunagirl • 30 Jan 2011, 5:05 PM

LOL very subtle hint there! xD

stellalunagirl • 30 Jan 2011, 4:57 PM

*hangs head in shame* Yes.. sadly.. I have scummbed to its power! OH HORRIBLE BORDOM! WHEN WILL YOU LEAVE ME TO REST?!?!? xD

stellalunagirl • 30 Jan 2011, 4:54 PM

YAY!!! You're ALIVE!! 😱😱 xD Finally someone to talk to! I AM SOO BORED!! 😋

stellalunagirl • 30 Jan 2011, 4:50 PM

HEY!!!! You're online! 😃😃😃😃

peppermintcowboy • 30 Jan 2011, 3:30 AM

Fed your list 😊

auraboros • 29 Jan 2011, 7:21 PM

Thanks! Fed list. 😉

Orderedchaos • 29 Jan 2011, 4:08 PM

Fed your list. 😊

icedragon3000 • 29 Jan 2011, 12:54 PM

Hi fed all

deku • 29 Jan 2011, 9:27 AM

Fed your list back. 😊

nyxulfr • 29 Jan 2011, 4:14 AM

Thank you, fed your list back. 😊