Wall: hedwig68

lola622f • 30 Apr 2012, 7:08 AM

Annibelle: How would we breathe? D:

jubjubloversboy • 30 Apr 2012, 1:04 AM


bunnyshadow • 29 Apr 2012, 11:57 PM

Whats wrong?

harrypotter7y • 29 Apr 2012, 11:31 PM


lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 11:06 PM

Annibelle: True... Maybe we can ship them into some other planet....

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 10:44 PM

Me: Let's hope thatβ€” Annibelle: Jimmy! Wanna destroy the world? πŸ˜ƒ

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 10:31 PM

Oh god. Do you know what this can mean?! One violent person+one violent person= destruction!

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 10:19 PM

A: YAY! *glomps* That's a yes right? πŸ˜ƒ

harrypotter7y • 29 Apr 2012, 10:14 PM


lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 10:14 PM

A: So.. Umm.. Do you like me?*blushes*.

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 10:09 PM

A: Stop asking so many questions! DX

harrypotter7y • 29 Apr 2012, 10:09 PM

Are you a good role player? I see your name alot.😊

harrypotter7y • 29 Apr 2012, 10:05 PM


lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 10:03 PM

Annibelle: *blushes more* Well... Maybe...

firegirl • 29 Apr 2012, 9:57 PM

i asked that boy out. he said no :'(

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 9:54 PM

Annibelle: Nothing. Just forget it.

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 9:29 PM

Annibelle: *blushes* I don't nessecerally hate you. It's just... *glare*

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 8:37 PM

Annibelle: *sniff sniff* Tank you... *tackles him and pins him to the ground*

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 8:21 PM

Annibelle: I WAS JUST JOKING!! WAHHH!!!!! *cries louder and harder*

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 8:16 PM

Annibelle: *cries and bleeds* YOU MEAN. I HATE YOU!!!!! *cries very loud and breaks the windows*

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 8:12 PM

Annibelle: NUU!!! I DO!!! DDX *gets atropa belladonna berries and forces Jimmy to eat them* MWAHAHA YOU SHALL DIE!! 😈

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 8:08 PM

Annibelle: D: GET OFF!!! *kicks Jimmy off and cuts him with her knife* Me: Great. More competition. Just what I needed

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 8:02 PM

Annibelle: HEY! Who the heck are YOU?! *kicks Jimmy in the soft spot very hard*

lola622f • 29 Apr 2012, 7:59 PM

Annibelle: DID SOME SAY SHARP OBJECTS?! *holds pins @hedwig68 down and holds a knife it her throat*

cupcake-neko • 29 Apr 2012, 7:55 PM

@carter fixed the problems. Sorry!

cupcake-neko • 29 Apr 2012, 7:41 PM

Ooookkkaayy. 😸

cupcake-neko • 29 Apr 2012, 7:39 PM

Well, @carter isn't accepted until he/she makes the changes. So, Animal Morphing MIGHT still be up...

cupcake-neko • 29 Apr 2012, 7:35 PM

Which powers were you wanting?

cupcake-neko • 29 Apr 2012, 7:28 PM

Post quickly!! It's now open!

cupcake-neko • 29 Apr 2012, 6:40 PM

TT.TT THe first post said DON'T POST!!