Wall: lola622f

hay7199 • 1 Aug 2012, 9:23 PM

Me: .... Yeah... XDDDDD Samantha: *Stabs Jaspers stomach* DOSE THAT LOOK LIKE LOVE TO YOU?!?!?! Me: Yep! *Hands Jasper a band-aid*

hay7199 • 1 Aug 2012, 9:15 PM

Me: O.O AWWWW Young love! 😃 Samantha: -_-" I will murder you all.

hay7199 • 1 Aug 2012, 8:44 PM

lol, Samantha: *Attacks Jasper and takes Diary* HISSSSSSS. DID YOU NOT READ WHERE IT SAYS: READ AND DIE?!?!

rosaline_kaye • 31 Jul 2012, 7:19 PM

Aw. Rose: My life is neutral so far.

rosaline_kaye • 30 Jul 2012, 4:44 PM

😸 I share my sisters account now 😋 Rose: *derp* Eh.

hay7199 • 30 Jul 2012, 4:43 PM

SAm: *Flips her hair behgind her sholder* I know right? Me: Oi vey...

rosaline_kaye • 30 Jul 2012, 4:41 PM

Yeah. Rose: How are you! *keeps hugging*

nroosangel • 30 Jul 2012, 4:38 PM

Cool cove^-^

hay7199 • 30 Jul 2012, 4:38 PM

Exactly! She is going to carry around a phone with her and Text people her thoughts. XD Samantha: I wasnt the one who filled out mine either

rosaline_kaye • 30 Jul 2012, 4:37 PM

mhm :/ Rosaline : *squeal* JASPER! *hugs*

hay7199 • 30 Jul 2012, 4:32 PM

Lol, on poison choclate RP Sam and Jasper are both mute! I just now noticed that XDDD Sa: *Rolls eyes* Cough Cough Copier Cough Cough

hay7199 • 30 Jul 2012, 4:28 PM

Eh, Jasper is like the child of a devil and an angel. Samantha is like that too only the apperace of an angel with her personality of a devl

hay7199 • 30 Jul 2012, 4:17 PM

Yes, they are similar besides the fact that Jasper is more gothic and Sam is more, white, light and stuff Sam: *THE FINGER!*

hay7199 • 30 Jul 2012, 4:15 PM

Our RP characters are really akward toword eachother XD Sam: =.='

hay7199 • 30 Jul 2012, 4:12 PM

Hi! XD @Status

tokidoki • 30 Jul 2012, 11:42 AM

Hey nice to meet you! Fed all

missimogenn • 29 Jul 2012, 10:35 AM

hey! thanks a bunch. oh I fed you feed list ;D

hay7199 • 29 Jul 2012, 12:08 AM

The first chapter should be done by 2morrow morning.

hay7199 • 29 Jul 2012, 12:01 AM

I'm writing this book on Miss Lit and its called 'How To Deal With Guys' XD

peppermintcowboy • 28 Jul 2012, 11:51 PM

Fed your feedlist. Perhaps you could feed back my featured? 😊

aizel • 28 Jul 2012, 6:39 PM

Nonsence! Aizel's not that developed. Before, I had her starring in RPs with different personalities and whatnot.

hay7199 • 27 Jul 2012, 11:34 PM

lol, thanks. I got bored and made a bunch of covers.... So I opened up a buiesness

aizel • 27 Jul 2012, 6:30 PM

Which profile exactly? o.o The one on @aizel? XD It's how Aizel would introduce herself. =3 Try it. I bet jasper's would be uber awesome!!!

hayz • 27 Jul 2012, 6:21 PM


aizel • 27 Jul 2012, 6:01 PM

XD No prob! Eh, Aizel's got nothing to do as well XP Well, I'm Immortalizing and feedin' coves! And PMing some RPs. ._. Bored as well. :/

buubles1688 • 27 Jul 2012, 5:33 PM

because my dad's business is having a BBQ and I would love if you would come!

buubles1688 • 27 Jul 2012, 5:24 PM

hello! Are you busy tomorrow?

darcylynn91 • 27 Jul 2012, 1:06 PM

fed all! 😊

hay7199 • 27 Jul 2012, 1:36 AM


hay7199 • 27 Jul 2012, 1:36 AM

Lola I need a freinds opinion, do you think the covers I created are any good? *Link in next post*