Wall: marlen1994

promise • 14 Sep 2014, 8:43 PM

Take your time. Whenever works for you 😊

promise • 14 Sep 2014, 8:41 PM

I only need 1. Thats fine, if you don't have the CC I can wait 😊

promise • 14 Sep 2014, 8:37 PM

Okay I need a Vattone. You can offer it on the lot tomorrow 😊

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 8:29 PM

Lol xD I think I can still see ya xD Anyways thanks and good luck again too x3

promise • 14 Sep 2014, 8:29 PM

Wonderful! Do you have any now?

promise • 14 Sep 2014, 8:25 PM

No rush whenever is good for you. Just tell me when you have some.

promise • 14 Sep 2014, 8:22 PM

I would do it for 7k

promise • 14 Sep 2014, 8:04 PM

How about you tell me how much you are willing to offer. I have seen them go for a heck of a lot.

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 7:53 PM

cove more awesome 😊

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 7:53 PM

And thanks for understanding most people don't on here even though they do the same sometimes ;-; And I wish you good luck too making your

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 7:52 PM

No problem, I /might/ take 1oooCC next month for it if I can't find someone to do two new CCs for one of my lesser liked critters UFT. -

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 7:45 PM

being NFT and I've finished my wishlist and only have goals of creatures because this game is boring without having something to look for/

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 7:44 PM

if ya want though. /Sorry I'm so hard to trade with, I've gotten to the point that I have had it for awhile and just put it UFT after it-

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 7:43 PM

complete sets so it's one of the possible UFTs but not for sure UFT but it's not one I find to be an awesome egg so eeh. I can still look

promise • 14 Sep 2014, 7:43 PM

Everything but the Olimpt

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 7:41 PM

UFT were ones I already had and didn't really want :I Plus the Roasen is tentative since they're getting hard to find and I also like having

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 7:40 PM

Are you talking about the Roasen? And probably the only things I like would be worth more :I And the things that you said were definitely -

immortalraven • 14 Sep 2014, 7:37 PM


zhachary • 14 Sep 2014, 5:08 PM

Sorry, no

izziebee1017 • 14 Sep 2014, 2:26 PM

You too! 😊

izziebee1017 • 14 Sep 2014, 2:22 PM

Wow, you get some awesome gifts! 😊 OK, thanks!

izziebee1017 • 14 Sep 2014, 2:17 PM

-be interested in a male immortal Dragold for one? I could also feed you cove as part of the payment.

izziebee1017 • 14 Sep 2014, 2:16 PM

Hi! I am interested in Roosi the Rousel and Ducati the Iccilah. (I don't have to have the names.) I know I can't afford both, but would you-

persona • 13 Sep 2014, 10:32 PM

No worries =) Oh okay ^^ you really like Biwo's huh? XD

persona • 13 Sep 2014, 9:54 PM

didn't want ot think about trading right then. Then I got nothing again.. What are you trying to get?

persona • 13 Sep 2014, 9:54 PM

really? me too. Good luck. I have been waiting almost 3 weeks i think =/ I asked her yesterday and she told me she was going to bed and

persona • 13 Sep 2014, 9:48 PM

but it looks like you have a ton of new pets 😱

persona • 13 Sep 2014, 9:39 PM

Hey ^^ how is trading going ? =)

lunar • 13 Sep 2014, 7:36 PM

For free? LOL

dream-within-a-dream • 12 Sep 2014, 9:54 PM

What for a freeze? D: D: