Wall: meleva

ugena • 16 Feb 2014, 6:40 AM

sent chocolates

sony • 16 Feb 2014, 6:26 AM

Woah, that's a beautiful date for a birthday haha! ^^ And hehe is mine! xD

lendulka • 16 Feb 2014, 6:18 AM

OK, how much EC you offer?

laitha • 16 Feb 2014, 6:15 AM

EC and chocolates, I love sweets ;-)

lendulka • 16 Feb 2014, 6:14 AM

Hi, I would like Elge, I can add some EC if you want.

laitha • 16 Feb 2014, 5:59 AM

What do you offer to me for my target?

laitha • 16 Feb 2014, 5:54 AM

Hi, one of my torget is uft 😊

sony • 16 Feb 2014, 5:24 AM

Oh awesome, when's your birthday so I could get you something xD And awh, that's sweet. It's the Furrep haha.

sony • 16 Feb 2014, 4:41 AM

- and I'm on school days. And this mutual chocolate giving thing is so awesome! 😸

sony • 16 Feb 2014, 4:41 AM

At not at home and this place has an EXTREMELY good computer, so I'm making use of it, not going to be able to feed when I get home -

sony • 16 Feb 2014, 4:40 AM

How did you get the Loveflyer? Gorgeous name by the way! ^^ And yeah, I'm online, though replies may be slow, sorry! xD

filip • 16 Feb 2014, 4:01 AM

Sent you a chocolate! Send back? 😸

sony • 16 Feb 2014, 12:02 AM

Oh yay congrats on the new CSP! ^^ Fed all and sent ya chocolate! 8D

umbregrl • 15 Feb 2014, 2:31 PM

You're welcome. Sent some again!

emo_pattys • 15 Feb 2014, 11:30 AM

Fed all and sent you another chocolate πŸ˜ƒ

blu_berry_pies • 15 Feb 2014, 10:20 AM

hope u like chocolate 😊 ❀️

possudio • 15 Feb 2014, 9:43 AM

Fed all

atropin92 • 15 Feb 2014, 9:28 AM

Have send you some chocolate 😊

jirachiwishmaker • 15 Feb 2014, 7:17 AM

Fed and sent choco😊

tender • 15 Feb 2014, 6:35 AM

sending a chocolate to you...πŸ˜ƒ

evolutary • 15 Feb 2014, 6:23 AM

Thanks for the chocolate, I sent one back! I also fed your cove except ones in your 'do not feed' list. ❀️

nexu • 15 Feb 2014, 6:09 AM

thanks, sent one back ^^

han • 15 Feb 2014, 6:09 AM

Thank you! Fed featured and returned the chocolate."You've sent a chocolate to meleva!" ❀️

ahgirltc • 15 Feb 2014, 5:16 AM

sent you chocolates. ❀️

sony • 13 Feb 2014, 1:40 AM

Yes! xD I knew it. Everyone's happy when the teacher's absent xP

sony • 11 Feb 2014, 12:49 PM

KILL THEM WITH BOMBS >D And fireholes >D

sony • 11 Feb 2014, 12:49 PM

Really? Your teacher was sick? How did most of your class take that? xD As a good or bad news? o3o And yeah, tests are everywhere D;

sony • 10 Feb 2014, 11:23 AM

And school today was ok for me, how was yours? 😸

sony • 10 Feb 2014, 11:23 AM

Oh yes it's true, my first holiday week was all fun and relaxing, but then I got bored in the 2nd and started doing homework xD

sony • 9 Feb 2014, 7:04 AM

All schools are hard! xD But I can't wait to come back o3o Been staying at home for awhile, perhaps it's better to enjoy some fresh air.