Wall: naked-snakes-box

loumina28 • 8 Aug 2015, 12:26 AM

Hi ! I'm interested in your UFT Terron in @naked-snakes2 . How much ec would you take to give it ? ( If you're looking for ec )

piucca • 6 Aug 2015, 9:56 PM

May I buy Pink Valentine's Day Design from you for 3k ec?

karakia • 6 Aug 2015, 4:27 PM

*Oops meant 50k

karakia • 6 Aug 2015, 4:27 PM

Hello, I was wondering if you would take 500ec for your Fairtop in tc if it's uft? 😊

camideadlyrose • 5 Aug 2015, 3:03 PM

No sorry none of the Unhemn's are x.x

piucca • 5 Aug 2015, 8:30 AM

I knew you wanted one ❤ī¸

name • 4 Aug 2015, 7:31 PM

Can you seperate a lot for the snow nest for 2k ec? 😊 thanks!

Orderedchaos • 4 Aug 2015, 11:19 AM

I've created a topic with a small list of things I'm most interested in, if you wish to take a look at it.

Orderedchaos • 4 Aug 2015, 11:02 AM

Not looking for anything in particular but I would prefer not to get creatures I already have lots of.

mlpnko159 • 3 Aug 2015, 3:17 PM

Really sorry, I have to reject since I already have a bessy and I'm not really fond of Saurogapis. But feel free to reoffer^.^

piucca • 3 Aug 2015, 8:33 AM

Well if you fancy, I have the trade up. Trade You can have time to think about it 😃 I won't be jumping on the first offer.

piucca • 3 Aug 2015, 8:27 AM

Funny enough, I only have one left of those ☚ī¸ I do have an immortal Eeriek egg, but I would ask for one more Chev for that one.

piucca • 3 Aug 2015, 8:19 AM

I would be willing to trade 1 immortal Eereek for 3 of your Chev. Sounds fair?

piucca • 3 Aug 2015, 8:17 AM

No worries 😊

piucca • 3 Aug 2015, 8:12 AM

I figured 😋

destinyrose • 3 Aug 2015, 8:08 AM

I'm sorry no ☚ī¸

piucca • 2 Aug 2015, 3:16 PM

May I buy Yellow Fish Cake for 3k ec?

despair • 2 Aug 2015, 1:57 PM

Well I'll get back to ya if I think of something.

despair • 2 Aug 2015, 1:55 PM

So I guess you aren't interested in past Cave Monthlies?

despair • 2 Aug 2015, 1:53 PM

What for the two Fairtops?

nashira • 2 Aug 2015, 1:25 PM

hi, sorry, i'm no interested in those you offer

cheshire • 2 Aug 2015, 4:21 AM

Hai, are any of your monthlies from this month UFT ~ Nya? 😊

blockcrafter123 • 1 Aug 2015, 5:25 AM

How are you doing

wen • 1 Aug 2015, 3:53 AM

I can offer a gellit/ meganox/ bzzt

wen • 1 Aug 2015, 3:44 AM

hey 50k for the fair top 😊

hugh519 • 1 Aug 2015, 3:14 AM

ok then

hugh519 • 1 Aug 2015, 3:12 AM


hugh519 • 1 Aug 2015, 3:09 AM

hi would you like to trade your lady-a-my and lady-edea for my frozen first stage skrute?

dawnfur • 31 Jul 2015, 3:09 AM

I'm good, a little tired though. How about you? 😊

dawnfur • 31 Jul 2015, 2:59 AM

Oh np, thank you too. 😸