Wall: phoenixfox

katelyn • 2 Jul 2012, 8:14 AM

Wow! I just noticed the we each have a creature named Swanlake! I didn't copy you, I got it from a piano song I had to play.😊

peppermintcowboy • 2 Jul 2012, 3:27 AM

Congratulations! Offer your Flofbite here for the Bioluminescent Jungles. 😊

bunnyshadow • 1 Jul 2012, 10:34 PM

wet stream , ark sewers, cystal caves, new years 2011, barrenlands, ark beach, offshore island, snowy mountian big pink heart, Pink clouds

bunnyshadow • 1 Jul 2012, 10:06 PM

Bliz, Tific or Plore?

bunnyshadow • 1 Jul 2012, 8:58 PM

what would you like for them?

bunnyshadow • 1 Jul 2012, 8:42 PM

Is Aali UFT? xD

bunnyshadow • 1 Jul 2012, 8:36 PM

15 newest

bunnyshadow • 1 Jul 2012, 8:29 PM

Alright xD What would you like for your chocob and mo?

glazzie • 1 Jul 2012, 8:07 PM

NP, and thank you too!

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Jul 2012, 3:22 PM

Thanks. 😊 We went through a drought that lasted a while, though, so we're definitely glad to have the rain! πŸ˜ƒ

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Jul 2012, 3:20 PM

I'm great! ^^ I've gone through several terrible storms these past four days, one including a tornado by our house. 😊

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Jul 2012, 3:17 PM

Hi! How are you doing? 😊

mightymouse5x • 1 Jul 2012, 2:38 PM

not right at this moment, but if yiu lookin in yhe furum, it is in there

flowerpower • 1 Jul 2012, 11:29 AM

I am back! setup the trade lot?

flowerpower • 1 Jul 2012, 11:09 AM

ok, setup lot gtg, mayb later 2day, or 2morrow! πŸ˜ƒ

flowerpower • 1 Jul 2012, 11:02 AM

um, I don't know! how much ec u want 4 ur savarb and pyraguin, and what do u want 4 ur ghosty?

cloudy • 1 Jul 2012, 10:59 AM

Pmed you 😊

cloudy • 1 Jul 2012, 10:45 AM

Would you like anything in my cove or @naleap then? 😊

cloudy • 1 Jul 2012, 10:32 AM

Yeah, i think i looks better than the SoB πŸ˜ƒ and much more cheaper too xD

cloudy • 1 Jul 2012, 10:29 AM

What do you mean by out of the world? xD lol πŸ˜‹

cloudy • 1 Jul 2012, 10:27 AM

Ohh..your creatures have nice travel on them, thats why i asked πŸ˜‹ Yeah, but both are hard for me to find ☹️

cloudy • 1 Jul 2012, 10:23 AM

Hi, do you have christmas travels uft? 😊

peppermintcowboy • 1 Jul 2012, 10:12 AM

Thank you! 😊

schusteralex2 • 30 Jun 2012, 10:21 PM

Thanks 😸

lunar • 30 Jun 2012, 9:45 PM

~looks at the amount of eggs~ Holy Geezus!
>.< better start feeding.

pjbuzzy • 29 Jun 2012, 4:27 PM

Thank you!

flowerpower • 29 Jun 2012, 9:43 AM

what do u want 4 ur female savarab, chocob, flover, ghosty, or male savarab? πŸ˜ƒ

flakes • 28 Jun 2012, 9:57 AM

Are there any creatures i can adopt or trade for? i don't really want a rare or cc one😊 if that's ok

1992firebirdgirl • 28 Jun 2012, 9:45 AM

ok 😊

yaya • 26 Jun 2012, 9:47 AM

Hi, Any Frozen Egg UFT?