
Please Do Not Post or Feed Here! Contact @rowyn for trades and such and feed @red_maple_meadows or @rowyn! Wall Comments WILL BE IGNORED. 3 Feb 2022, 6:09 PM

22 September 2014
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I don't support hoards unless it's a cave common hoard.

Please do NOT post here. Contact me on my main for a response.

Feeds are Not Welcome!

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Main: @rowyn

Immortal/Fully Evolved Storage: @red_maple_meadows

Trade Storage: rowyn00<you are here

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Heyo! Call me Rowyn!

》Nine times out ten, whatever creature(s) you're interested in are up for trade. The one out of ten is waiting to be moved and I haven't found the time or energy to move it yet. If it's not here at all, it's definitely not up for trade.《

》Please do not contact this side. I have my pms disabled here for a reason. I stay logged in on my main and it's mostly from mobile. I don't have the energy to check this side daily and I definitely don't have the energy to deal with wall comments here. You've been warned, but on that note, it's not personal, just a me thing.《

》I prolly sound like I bite. I don't. I am always happy to work something out so that both parties are happy. You've just gotta be willing to work with me, as well.《

》I have my main and my other side with just over 1k creatures combined to feed. Please feed those, not these. I will ask exactly once for you not to feed here.《

》I Do Support:
-Cave common hoards, even if they're star commons. (Hoard= More than 10)
-Small collections of a specific species. Can be a pair of the species. Can be one of each stage. Can be a pair of each stage. (Small Collection= 10 or less)

》I Do Not Support Hoards of Otherwise or Soon to be Retired Creatures or creatures that aren't exactly easily obtainable. The only exception to this is if you created the creature or wrote the description for it. Otherwise, leave some for new players. You never know what someone's dream creature(s) will be.《

Creatures (503)


rowyn • 25 Nov 2024, 11:47 AM

Do Not Post Here. Pm me, @Rowyn, for a response. Comments here will be ignored and deleted.

rowyn00 • 25 Nov 2024, 11:45 AM

Do Not Post Here. Pm @Rowyn for a response.

I don't support hoards unless it's a cave common. See my profile for more info.