Site Blog

Egg Cave is quite the happening place! Visit our blog for the latest updates on everything new that we add to the site — new creatures, exciting worlds, account updates, and unique activities to do!

Final Day of the Easter Egg Hunt

April 30, 2019 at 12:00 AM 22 Comments

Easter Egg Hunt Final Day

Today is the final day that you will be able to find hidden Easter eggs around the site. If you haven't finished the hunt and collected all 30 yet, you have 24 hours left. Remember to claim your prize once you've collected all 30 eggs at the Easter Egg Hunt HQ.

Will you be able to get me?!

Last Day to Get a Wackalama

Today is the last day you can purchase a Wackalama from the Cash Shop.

Last Day for April Monthlies

It goes without saying, but today is the final day you can obtain or purchase April 2019 monthlies.

Next Month: Random Theme

Next month is a random theme month! Any guesses as to what it'll be? Stay tuned for more updates on May 1.

Aries Journals

April 29, 2019 at 12:00 AM 6 Comments

Aries-themed Journals

If you're an Aries, you might have to pick up one of these Aries-themed journals from Leila Library.

Soggy Umbrellas of Ice Cream

April 28, 2019 at 12:00 AM 3 Comments

Soggy Umbrellas of Ice Cream

Who would have thought that you could eat ice cream out of umbrellas?! Well, somebody has now. Find these new ice creams restocking at Finley's Flavors.

Support the National Wildlife Federation

April 27, 2019 at 12:00 AM 4 Comments

Support the National Wildlife Federation


The Biocycle is now on sale in the Cash Shop for 200 CC each (it is no longer available in the Cave for free). We're donating 25% of our total Biocycle sales to the National Wildlife Federation to help protect our cherished landscapes and wildlife habitats.

Will you partner with us? We're hoping to raise and donate $200 to the NWF. Thank you for your consideration and support!

Brand New CDWC Creature

April 26, 2019 at 6:00 PM 26 Comments

Brand-new CDWC Creature

After a bit of quietness for some time... a brand-new CDWC creature has arrived in the Creature Description Writing Contest and is available for writing. The author of the winning description will receive the first of its kind when it is released in mid-May.

Allow us to confirm that this creature will be a Cash Shop Park creature when it is released.

Intricate Flower Cookies

April 25, 2019 at 12:00 AM 6 Comments

Intricate Flower Cookies

These incredibly detailed flower cookies are now restocking at the Bakery. Perfect for spring time!

Krusdot Gummies

April 24, 2019 at 12:00 AM 27 Comments

Krusdot Gummies

These Krusdot-themed gummies are now restocking at the General Food Store. They're very, very gummy!

Celebrating Earth Day

April 22, 2019 at 4:00 PM 36 Comments

Celebrating Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! At Egg Cave, we strive to raise awareness about conservation and what it means to be wise stewards of our planet. This year, we're partnering with an organization, the National Wildlife Federation, to help protect America's cherished landscapes and wildlife habitats.


The Biocycle

Today, we're unveiling a brand-new Earth Day creature. Say hello to the Biocycle. It will be available in the Cave through Friday, April 26. Then, on April 27 it will go on sale in the Cash Shop Park for 200 CC. Similar to last year (but with a different organization) we will be donating 25% of our total Biocycle sales to the National Wildlife Federation. Our goal is to raise $200 from generous Egg Cavers like yourselves for this organization.

Will you help us and be a part? Play Egg Cave and support the planet! Find this creature in the Cave for the next few days then get it at the Cash Shop.

Earth Day Travels

These brand-new Earth Day Travels are now restocking at the Travel Agency. They are all r99, so they'll be difficult to get!

Happy Easter! The Easter Egg Hunt Is On

April 21, 2019 at 12:15 AM 175 Comments

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from all of us at Team Egg Cave!

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is back in 2019! We've hidden 30 Easter eggs around the site for you to find. When you see one, click it to claim it. When you find all 30, you'll receive this year's Easter Egg Hunt prize... a brand-new species called the Zomini and 4 spring-themed Travels. Visit the Easter Egg Hunt HQ to get started.

Garden Of Lillies Garden Of Marigolds Sakura Tulips In The Sunshine 

Easter Egg Hunt HQ

The Easter Egg Hunt will be open today through April 30 at 11:59 PM ECT.

How It Works

Last year, we made big changes to how the Easter Egg Hunt worked. The biggest change was that the site will not display to you eggs that you've already found (kind of helpful, huh?!). This year, it's mostly the same.

Like last year, eggs do become progressively more difficult to find as you find more. For example, the last 5 eggs are much more difficult to find than the first 5 eggs. Don't expect to find all 30 in one sitting... it may take some time! Rest assured, you have more than one week to find them all and receive your prize. There isn't any special advantage to completing the hunt faster, so enjoy the ride!

Egg Hunt Rules

Easter eggs are hidden in different places for each user, so there isn't any use in sharing where you found them with others. Their locations and links are unique to your account and are completely randomized.

You are permitted to find Easter Eggs on any of your main and side accounts; however, you are only allowed to claim your Easter Egg Hunt prize on your main account. Abusing multiple accounts to get multiple Zomini creatures is not allowed.

The 2019 Easter Egg Hunt Returns Tomorrow

April 20, 2019 at 12:00 AM 54 Comments

2019 Easter Egg Hunt
Returns Tomorrow

Want to go back in time? Keep reading our older site blog posts below.