Site Blog

Egg Cave is quite the happening place! Visit our blog for the latest updates on everything new that we add to the site — new creatures, exciting worlds, account updates, and unique activities to do!

Introducing The Zorb Creature

May 15, 2019 at 12:00 AM 13 Comments

The Zorb

Say hello to the Zorb, Egg Cave's newest creature to be released. A huge thanks to @armageddondoll for writing the winning CDWC description. The first of its kind has been added to your account, for free! Thank you to all who submitted an entry, too.

The Zorb has a fascinating story that you all should read about in its Archives entry! It is known for a phenomena called "reverse lightning."

This creature is available in the Cash Shop Park through May 31 for 200 CC each.

Biocycle Earth Day Fund Reached

May 14, 2019 at 12:00 AM 9 Comments

Biocycle Earth Day Fund Reached


This year, for Earth Day, Egg Cave has decided to support the National Wildlife Federation to help protect America's cherished landscapes. We're donating 25% of our total sales of the Biocycle to the NWF. Our goal was to raise $200 in support of the NWF and we're very proud to announce that today, because of the wonderful generosity of Egg Cavers such as yourselves, WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL!!! THANK YOU!!

We have donated $200 of our gross sales to the National Wildlife Federation. Play Egg Cave! Help save the planet! It's a win-win.

The Biocycle is now retired and is no longer available for purchase. We hope to continue this Earth Day tradition next year. Thank you, again!

May 2019: Double Feed Day

May 12, 2019 at 12:00 AM 7 Comments

It's Double Feed Day!

It's the second Sunday of the month... for today you can earn double the Egg Coins for feeding creatures everywhere on the site. So, start visiting your friends' profiles and take advantage of it!

bacon_and_cheese_baked_potato.png gansokoro_hamburger.jpg gummyburgergreen.gif suspicious_flypop_purple.png 

Tornado Ice Creams

May 12, 2019 at 12:00 AM 6 Comments

Tornado Ice Creams

These adorable (yet terrifying) tornado ice creams are Finley's newest creations. Pay Finley a visit at Finley's Flavors.

Reminder to Write for CDWC Creature

May 10, 2019 at 7:00 PM 10 Comments

CDWC Creature Winners Will Be Chosen Soon

Winners for the current CDWC contest will be picked very soon. Be sure to submit your entries for this amazing lightning creature by the end of this weekend.

February 2019's Cash Shop Travels Retiring

These Cash Shop Travels, originally released back in February, are set to expire on Monday, May 13 at the end of the day. Get yours before they're all gone.

New Trinket Travels In May 2019

May 8, 2019 at 12:00 AM 7 Comments

New Trinket Travels

The following Trinket Travels are now available for these four species: Cyprinus, Magmish, Shengxiao, and Tiver. Find them restocking at Trinket Travels.

All Stages Revealed

All stages of the Cyprinus have been revealed in The Archives.

Storm Cloud Plushies

May 5, 2019 at 12:00 AM 7 Comments

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo to all of our players! We hope you have a great time, however you celebrate!

Storm Cloud Plushies

These adorable storm cloud plushies are now restocking at the Toy Shop.

Weather Cash Shop Travels

May 3, 2019 at 12:00 AM 11 Comments

Weather Cash Shop Travels

Hurricanes, tornadoes, and fires! Oh my! Hopefully we will survive it all, right? Find these brand-new weather-themed Cash Shop Travels in the Cash Shop for a limited time.

May Is All About the Weather

May 1, 2019 at 12:00 AM 49 Comments

May: Weather-themed Month

Welcome to May of 2019! This month's random theme is weather-related events and everything from our creatures, items, and Travels will reflect that.

Cash Shop Monthlies

Located deep underneath The Volcano, the Jordev wreaks havoc by causing earthquakes with their seismic blasts. The Xovo cause blizzards and destruction on the southeastern coast of Ark—the coldest part of the island (but creatures can find refuge a bit north under the jungle's canopy).

Find these both at the Cash Shop.

Cave Monthlies

The Ulumin seems to have a special connection with the rain while the Zyphoone is the wind incarnate. Find these creatures in the Cave!

April 2019 Lottery: Drawing 2

April 30, 2019 at 3:00 PM 6 Comments

Lottery Winner

Congratulations to @leomaris and @snowwall and @lilithskull, the winners of drawing 2 for April 2019's Cash Shop Creature Lottery! A Aries has been added to each of your accounts.

Buy your tickets for the next drawing now!

Want to go back in time? Keep reading our older site blog posts below.