Ribbited the Kendo

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Ribbited: Form; the vocal sound made by a frog or toad.

Bought on World Frog Day. "Do I even need to do this 'definition' stuff for most of my names?", I say to myself as I CTRL+V it in anyway.

About Kendo Eggs

This egg looks completely lifeless. It looks like a rock! Is there anything inside at all?

About the Kendo Creature

The Science and Research Center in Ark City was on a mission to monitor the health of the freshwater Ark River frog population. They collected many samples, including a few frogs themselves. One of these samples accidentally got inserted into a creature duplication machine in the Creature Labs, and spit out the Kendo. It's obviously not a replica of a freshwater frog.

The Kendo is a troll creature that is as dense, hard, and heavy as stone—but looks like a frog. The scientists think that small bits of gravel were included in what was inserted into the machine and contaminated the frog sample.

Kendos are incredibly dumb and dull creatures. They exclusively hang out near other freshwater frogs on the Ark River. Despite their towering appearance, they aren't aggressive at all.