Ungrace the Sernas

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Ungrace: The lack, absence, or antithesis of grace; gracelessness.

Name holder, I suppose. May never use it but I like the word.

About Sernas Eggs

This soft fur shimmers with golden streaks... whoever or whatever comes from this egg must be something of elegance and grace.

About the Sernas Creature

Adorned in a tuxedo that fits his form with surprising grace, the Swine Gentleman wears a bow tie of deep blue, contrasting elegantly against the green tones of his attire. His tusks, polished to a sheen, catch the light as he moves with a dignified gait through the ballroom, navigating the sea of masked revelers with quiet confidence.

The mask he wears is a masterpiece of craftsmanship—a porcelain creation depicting the serene countenance of an ancient boar, with eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of ages. It frames his face with an air of mystery and allure, drawing curious gazes and intrigued whispers wherever he wanders.

As he mingles amidst the guests, the Swine Gentleman exudes an aura of unexpected charm and refinement. He engages in polite conversation, his voice a deep rumble that carries hints of warmth and intelligence. With each interaction, he leaves a lasting impression of grace and dignity, defying stereotypes with his impeccable manners and gentle demeanor.