NoSalvation the Pahoehoe

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1 Nov 2014
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Essence of Litsdnats
Stage Frozen
1/24/16: from @applegranny
1/24/16: drunk Essence

Will I ever find salvation?

Maybe when I can get redemption for crimes committed.
A soul filled with blasphemy,
A mind courting insanity,
No rest for the wicked.

Ever tranquilized, paralyzed,
It's calling my name.
The darkness tries to lure me in.
Memories are haunting, taunting.

The darkness comes closer.
This has to stop.
Just give up.

And when Death takes me in his cold arms, gentle,
I am no longer afraid.

Finally... salvation.

About Pahoehoe Eggs

With a surface temperature of roughly 900 °C, Pahoehoe eggs should never under any circumstances be handled without the proper protective equipment, nor should they be removed from near The Volcano unless under the careful supervision of a vulcanologist. The unsafe handling of Pahoehoe eggs may result in severe third-degree burns and possibly death.

About the Pahoehoe Creature

Through a unique evolutionary trait, the Pahoehoe's basaltic body composition allows the species to endure the blisteringly intense heat of The Volcano without suffering any injuries. Its body is also adept to traversing The Volcano's magma with relative ease. Magmish are the main source of nutrition for juvenile Pahoehoe, along with igneous rocks to supplement their diet. As Pahoehoe mature into fully grown adults, they will begin to tackle larger, more difficult prey such as Bunthoff and Flares.

Ark mythology has characterized the Pahoehoe as the living embodiment of The Volcano, responsible for its eruptions and seismic activity throughout history. Several ancient cultures worshiped the species as a type of god.