Popcorn22 the Wynerl

62 of 99
0% Happy
1 Jun 2015
31 Jul 2017
4,801 +1
1,803 +1
Recent Feeders
Popcorn22 love taking care of creatures ❤️
NEED THE NAME "Popcorn" []

Note to self ~
* = dying cove

list 1 (less than 25)
feed @chubbybunny *
feed @knightking-67s *
feed @kiyomiichu *

list 2 (25 or more)
feed @kitikara
feed @silverwillow *
feed @tetromino
feed @fairy_tail
feed @sirhorsealot *
feed @freska

list 3 (40 or more)
feed @silverlite
feed @pooh
feed @kalessin
feed @dystopianwerewolf

About Wynerl Eggs

The long, colorfully luscious flow of hair emerging from the center of Wynerl eggs is what draws in and maintains warmth for the developing embryo inside. Once hatched and the shell discarded, the hair is often collected and is incorporated into many decorative pieces during the fall season.

About the Wynerl Creature

Wynerl sleep and sit motionlessly among mountain ridges from the peak of dawn until dusk, absorbing the sunlight's comforting warmth the entire time. At nightfall, Wynerl become active predators and spend until dawn searching for food. An old Ark legend tells of a cunning Wynerl that outsmarted greedy merchants who traveled along mountain trails, managing to steal their goods and bring humility.

It is a common mistake to regard Wynerl as having multiple tails due to the bushy explosion of fur at the rear of its body. In reality, this hairy mass is hiding a single, stubby appendage.