Odillia the Qamarat

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2 Nov 2016
14 Jun 2017
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Odillia's farm is famous for its crop: a unique, delicious fruit called meatfruit. Few people know is that she grinds up corpses to be used as fertilizer for her beloved plants, and those who know cheerfully supply her with dead bodies in exchange for those delicious fruits. She never asks where the bodies came from.

About Qamarat Eggs

A rough egg that rustles when it moves. It has the texture of leaves during fall.

About the Qamarat Creature

Originally from the Northern Plains, the Qamarat now resides in the Farmlands and feasts on wheat grains. In its early stage of life, the Qamarat lives in a glume until it has enough energy to fully develop.

The tails on the Qamarat splits into numerous florets which produce a beautiful fragrance when matured. The citizens of Ark know that it is not fall until this fragrance spreads. The Qamarat is also a very good pet as it is easily tamed.