Tiver_Lily the Tiver

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Essence of Litsdnats
Stage Frozen

As a young cub Tiver Lily was curious and liked to explore the world around her. She was gentle and kind with all the creatures she came across.
She was even more inquisitive as an adolescent. She often wandered further than her mother would have liked; and got into mischief, playfully teasing and pulling innocent pranks on other young creatures in and along the river. But she was always intuitive who could handle her teasing and who couldn't.
Reaching maturity she soon found her own spot along the river needing protection, not too far from her mother's. She felt fortunate to not have to leave too far from the bed where she grew up, as she loved it so. A nice quiet spot, where a sagging tree provided dappled sunlight most the day. The water bubbling over some rocks where the water slowed; the river starting to make a new course.
One day a human came along, sitting on a log half in and half out of the river. Lily watched the human for quite some time, felt emotions shift to and fro like dappled sunlight. Everything from happy and peaceful from looking at the quiet nature this spot provide, to irritated at a passerby that flew too close, almost smacking the human in the cheek with his tail. Then the human shifted, laying over the log, trailing her fingers in the river. Sadness seeped into the human's mind. Lily's curiosity got to her and she wanted to see what was wrong.
Lily bobbed out of the water a bit further away so she wouldn't spook the human. Tilting her head she gave a questioning "mrr?" It turned out that the human had a friend who was sad and needed cheering up. Lily knew just what to do. All she had to do was find a tributary that would lead her to the friend.

You see, some Tivers, Lily especially, not only have the ability to read emotions, but also to be able to alter moods with their purrs. Some believe not only can they heal rivers, but other beings too.

Note to self: after MidnightSunny the Pyraguin
(please keep note until I edit my #'s - And if you want to delete entry, please let me know so that I can save it.)

born2b_me - Alien Spores
snowywinter - A Little Brook, 6 Jul 21

22 July 2022
6:56 PM Your creature Tiver_Lily has evolved to stage 3!

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RF: calenlass watercress ian_hives blazzingjay eleanor

Freezing too.

About Tiver Eggs

This egg is often found at the source of the Ark River, where the water is at its purest. It consists of many layers, with the outermost being extremely rough and as hard as diamond to deter would-be predators. The constant flow of the river slowly wears away the outer layer until only the fragile inner layers remain. Instinctively, the growing Tiver knows when the river has reached its egg's final layer. At this point, it bursts forth and begins crying for its mother using a unique series of meows, purrs, and chirps. This delicate process of erosion can easily take months or even years. It is not recommended to handle the egg or remove it from the river during this period as the oils from human hands can seep through an older egg and potentially poison the growing Tiver embryo. If one still wishes to remove the egg and simulate the environment of the Ark River at home, extreme caution is needed as trace minerals in the water can, just like the oils on human hands, fatally harm the creature inside.

About the Tiver Creature

The mother Tiver cares for its young for up to three years. Mother Tivers are extremely protective of their young and will defend them with the force of a raging river. Any creature who has been on the receiving end of a mother Tiver's wrath and have escaped are never eager to repeat the experience. Once fully grown, a Tiver seeks out its own corner of the Ark River to tend. They get along with just about every creature in their respective territory and have never been witnessed to harm a single creature living around them unless severely provoked. Certain sections of the Ark River flourish thanks to their work. It is unknown what Tivers feed off of, but several scientists have suggested that they receive their energy simply from being in the river. Their claims have been backed up by a recently discovered ancient tablet that reads, "Tivers are 'The Guardians of the Great River' and draw their power from the river's magic."