deannah the Dinno

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About Dinno Eggs

Although the egg of the Dinno looks as if it's broken, there is no need to fear. A few days after being laid the still-developing baby will break a small hole in the egg and use it as a window into its new world. While Dinno eggs can be kept in the light, a direct light must not be shined into the hole. The embryo's eyes are still developing and need to be allowed to naturally adjust.

As the egg approaches hatching, the young Dinno makes a wide variety of noises that indicate the personality of the baby inside. If it's calm and well-adjusted, the egg will make clicks, squeaks, and even the occasional giggle-like growls. If the egg was ill-treated, deep growls (at least, as low as a small Dinno can make) and snapping can be heard.

About the Dinno Creature

Despite their looks, Dinnos are more closely related to the Salaslyke than any of the dragons found on Ark. Dinnos are often called the "False Dragon." The scales on their skin are soft and not like what most people think of when they think of scales. Even what is believed to be a growing remnant of the creature's egg is actually a specialized armor created by hard scales. As Dinnos age, the armor shrinks in comparison to body size. Those who have grown out of their shells are seen as the oldest and most wise of them all.

Dinnos are actually quite playful and artistic. During the breeding season, males make natural paints and decorate their bodies using their claws, tails, and even noses to impress females. If a female takes an interest, she steps into some of these colorful supplies, rolls onto her back, and imprints her foot on the male's shell.

In captivity, Dinno owners keep their pets happy by providing them with art supplies. Some are even dexterous enough to manage to use brushes. Since a law bans formal ownership, a new trend has been growing in popularity in the art community: "Dinnos on Canvas."