Jobo the Maser

82 of 198
100% Happy
2 Nov 2022
15 Feb 2023
7 Mar 2023
4,473 +1
Recent Feeders
Wishlist Creatures:

High Priority:
- Nyacos (Rainbow Horse - Asteroid)
- Aliamble (Grass Horse - Cash Shop Park - Retired)
- Aurelian (Rainbow Jellyfish - Multiple - R)
- Ceffyl (Clover Horse - CSP - R)
- Clous (Star - Multiple - R)
- Fairtop (Galaxy Horse - Cave - R)
- Iccilah (Water Horse - CSP - R)
- Irel (Squirrel - VEND)
- Kirin (Ice Horse - CSP -R)
- Kitbee (Cat Bee - CSP -R)
- Kooka (Earth Animal - CSP - R)
- Medis (Leaf Evoli - CSP - R)
- Huhu (Skele-Dog - C - R)
- Nubbe (Rainbow Cloud - Multiple - R)
- Sammied (Cute Fluffy Dog - Cave - R)

Thank you so much to @castielkix for gifting me an oro and a catcus (dreamie of mine)! ❤️

The following list can also be found at eggcavity:

Low Priority:
- Adiped
- Aguaille
- Alleniwer
- Amorym
- Anaria
- Angold
- Anukal
- Apex
- Aqueueren
- Ara
- Arcweom
- Aries
- Arpeggiarp
- Asteran
- Astreaven
- Barbat
- Basidio
- Bauble
- Berr
- Biwo
- Bragon
- Brownil
- Bufalus
- Bushy
- Cantik
- Catsmos
- Cerberus
- Chev
- Chimmy
- Choconom
- Clocat
- Cloudosaurus
- Clovotl
- Coinster
- Colatay
- Cosmiathan
- Cozi
- Cranmon
- Crishorse
- Crystar
- Daffolynn
- Deggo
- Dinni
- Dongelic
- Drakomo
- Draqua
- Drem
- Efni
- Elge
- Elkikorn
- Encalop
- Eroche
- Eurog
- Exterrock
- Falcena
- Fantily
- Faunan
- Faymanita
- Feep
- Felichine
- Felindle
- Fetti
- Fiamma
- Fife
- Finti
- Flaren
- Flover
- Flunny
- Foglin
- Follet
- Foo
- Fourbon
- Freezent
- Froplet
- Fudain
- Geockard
- Ghostar
- Ghosty
- Gingerlion
- Giramint
- Golosina
- Gra
- Grandinum
- Greem
- Grimalkin
- Grisal
- Gummibar
- Gurden
- Haunlupe
- Hibisvul
- Hinonia
- Hoddel
- Holoton
- Holze
- Horsekin (3rd stage)
- Hulae
- Hyaden
- Hydra
- Icestrom
- Ignalt
- Ignis
- Illumilux
- Impkin
- Janot
- Jarohal
- Jester
- Jordev
- Kampos
- Kandju
- Kappice
- Keekee
- Kektron
- Kepatio
- Keras
- Khione
- Kiinirit
- Kiretch
- Kleebet
- Knightmare
- Knitten
- Kolibri
- Koluk
- Kozza
- Krampus
- Kyootie
- Lagcaous
- Lasornic
- Lazzar
- Leafly
- Leafzard
- Lenochod
- Leoaquar
- Lepilex
- Lepragon
- Linnun
- Lobiso
- Lollipuff
- Lonto
- Lovador
- Lui
- Luminese
- Lunantis
- Luskrull
- Luvlei
- Luvun
- Luxu
- Lycire
- Lyf
- Lypun
- Lyralopex
- Magval
- Manekii
- Mariyd
- Matta
- Mecha
- Meekin
- Mefisto
- Meganox
- Meysko
- Minoete
- Mishqen
- Morgoth
- Morkhir
- Mossoroo
- Moxel (2nd Stage)
- Muffette
- Mull
- Mushri
- Mystic
- Narlock
- Neebu
- Nellin
- Nuomek
- Nyankh
- Nym
- Ocktin
- Odraz
- Olimpt
- Onabi
- Onny
- Oos (Cute water horse!)
- Orciel
- Orp
- Oscoa
- Ott
- Pakaceros
- Pandai
- Pantheart
- Pantop
- Paroxy
- Pengift
- Piefox
- Pinky
- Pinyanda
- Pixgog
- Plore
- Poisson
- Polober
- Poplin
- Pumpkid
- Purita
- Quiv
- Raicorn
- Rainbear
- Ralok
- Rannin
- Rayun
- Rejwa
- Renbogi
- Rencup
- Rix
- Roarnt
- Roknatun
- Rotehar
- Rousel
- Roza
- Rubedopus (2nd stage)
- Ruum
- Ryahako
- Ryukura
- Sacchotton
- Sadly
- Seiren
- Seren
- Sessir
- Shaibun
- Sherth
- Sidris
- Sikeree
- Sirena
- Snolo
- Sockey
- Soetzal
- Spookcat
- Spoto
- Spunny
- Squinton
- Staga
- Stegga
- Stobow
- Surtle
- Sweetoth
- Sylvern
- Tamsi
- Taraxa
- Tartruff
- Tawny

bis einschl. S. 29

About Maser Eggs

This egg is known to hide itself from those who seek it by blending in with its surroundings.

About the Maser Creature

The Maser uses its mask for multiple purposes. The Maser is capable of mimicking other creatures' noises, so it can pass itself off as something much more dangerous. Or if the Maser is found by a predator, they can quickly hide and make noises of a less desirable creature, causing their predators to pass them by. The trick is remaining unseen.

Outside of their unique defense capabilities, Masers are vegetarian creatures that are accepting of those around them.