Mysticawl the Augga

224 of 497
100% Happy
19 Nov 2023
15 Dec 2023
27 Jan 2024
4,038 +1
Recent Feeders
spookyfrog update 1: i just got here whats good squad
spookyfrog update 2: theres so many creatures and i dont know how much each of them is worth but i will try to go through all of them so i can get the cool ones.
spookyfrog update 3: i found a wizard frog and his name is wiggit and he will be mine. this is my quest to find The Spooky Frog.
spookyfrog update 4: CONCRETE JUNGLE WHIPPED CREAM TOMATO! also i won like 500 cc and some cool creatures, love you jello!!!!!
spookyfrog update 5: listening to boogie wonderland on repeat while clicking all these gobblers 😊
spookyfrog update 6: almost got a creature from the oasis but someone took it before me. grrrrrr
spookyfrog update 7: just used inspect element to get rid of the banners and the dropdown menus so the gobbler wasnt hiding behind that annoying best buy ad. feeling like a hacker. victorious
spookyfrog update 8: someone asked me on the street today and said, "Hey spookyfrog, how do you get so confident?" to which I responded "All it took was entering myself in the Westminster Dog Show and winning the whole thing"
spookyfrog update 9: i walked up to a lady at the grocery store and said "i cant believe its not butter" while pointing at peanut butter. we then started pointing at other non-butter objects. people are fun 😊
spookyfrog update 10: you can take the rabbit out of the hat but you cant pull a hat out of a rabbit. no magician is good enough to do that. even harry parker. or hermione. or gandalf. i've tried too. but my magic is different.
spookyfrog update 11: clinging on to every piece of autumn that i can but the christmas spirit is too strong. i say goodbye to my loved ones before i am consumed by a jolly version of myself. i can't hold it back any longer. LAST CHRISTMAS I GAVE YOU MY HEART
spookyfrog update 12: got out of jury duty because i was flexing after every statement. some people just cant respect these gains smh
spookyfrog update 13: cant wait to get this degree. so i can get out of college and go to extended college. but at least i won't be studying us history.
spookyfrog update 14: i won the sandrodon thing. i guessed 18. there were 18. sooooo um i got this travel. a particularly... unspooky travel. i will be selling it.
spookyfrog update 15: pulling an all nighter to try and pass organic chemistry. its gonna be a long night. anyways im also only 15 tokens away from an abet.
spookyfrog update 16: all nighter is about to prove its worth. hopefully. wish me luck on this organic chemistry final. i'll need it.
spookyfrog update 17: I PASSED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY! fightin for my life and came out by the skin of my teeth. or the teeth of my skin? i came out! i am queer and theres nothing you can do about it, skinteeth.
spookyfrog update 18: last night i went and bought a pikachu santa squishmallow for a white elephant tonight. got too attached as i was wrapping it and i was able to steal it back at the end of the game. so if you think about it, i just bought myself a gift the long way
spookyfrog update 19: am at a concert to see my favorite band of all time. i love qotsa. so much. words cant explain. anyways trying to click 200 creatures is tough on phone.
spookyfrog update 20: omg that concert was so amazing. it was so cool. i got a sweet looking poster. i can cross that off my bucket list now. i love queens of the stone age so much. awesome band.
spookyfrog update 21: I need 31 million EC. soooooooo
spookyfrog update 22: acquired 31 million ec.
spookyfrog update 23: some burger places put too many things on the burger. it gets to the point where everything slides out and you need utensils. at least, those burgers should have bigger bottom buns. which sounds like an innuendo but i just dont want a difficult burger
spookyfrog update 24: i feel like these auctions are too expensive to snipe. let me win them plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls
spookyfrog update 25: yall better make some trades with me bc some of these creatures I can't bear to pass up
spookyfrog update 26: honk shnoo honk shnoo honk shnoo
spookyfrog update 27: feel free to recognize me. feel free to give me attention. i am here 😊
spookyfrog update 28: on december 20th, i put 3007 tickets in the toy drive. the 21st, i put 3725. didnt win either time. yeep is rigged fr.
spookyfrog update 29: i did it! i won a Siatae from the toy drive! i am confused but happy 😊
spookyfrog update 30: BAG ON TOP OF BAG. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
spookyfrog update 31: it is new year's eve's eve and i will make new years resolutions. but i will make all the fun resolutions. like dog scrapbooking. or eating as many different fruit as i can.
spookyfrog update 32: i am on the search for every single Vulkan on EggCave. there were 10,336 creatures created during the period the Vulkan was available. I am now down to 6,000 left to search. I have found a total of 33 Vulkans.
spookyfrog update 33: in two hours, i will be 20 years old. its crazy.
spookyfrog update 34: watching monty python and the holy grail again. it is my favorite movie. i have seen it 20 times now (yes i have kept track)
spookyfrog update 35: just got a bunthoff and a rosse from the oasis within 3 hours of each other. what can i say, im just that cool
spookyfrog update 36: got this notification today: "Your creature BrainTumor has evolved to stage 2!"

About Augga Eggs

With each egg bearing a striking resemblance to the eggs of its cousin, the Augga egg has a very large azure eye spot marking the middle of its egg. The eye spot has been proven by the Science and Research Center in Ark City to be a non-functioning eye perhaps only existing to benefit by way of mimicry.

Despite the scientific evidence, most Ark citizens will report a certain unease exuding from the eye almost as if it's following their every move.

About the Augga Creature

Throughout their juvenile lives Auggas tend to remain on the ground as it is easier to compensate for their poor eyesight with slow deliberate movements. As they age and their depth perception develops they may be found taking short test flights to and fro to get a feel for dodging aerial obstacles they may not see. It is said that an Augga's first flight is quite a hassle for the insurance agencies of Ark City.

As an adult, the sleek black Augga is a relatively solitary creature often choosing to spend its time in the depths of Ark's darkest forests where its single azure eye seems to glow in the dark. Many Ark citizens actively seek out elder Auggas in hopes of learning secrets of the island from them. Polls amongst Augga enthusiasts have been inconclusive as to whether the Auggas actually have any secrets to share or if the rumors of an all-knowing eye have lent them this reputation.

Though they have never been known to share their secrets, Auggas are known to be very keen listeners, even enjoying local gossip from time to time!