Feed all option

in Site Feedback & Ideas

927 posts


lyricgeek • 16 November 2011 at 12:41 AM

So I was thinking that there could be a button at the bottom of YOUR OWN cove and you clicked it and it would feed all the creatures in your cove? That way there would be less creatures dieing and it would also give players more time to feed other people's creatures? 😊 And maybe you only got half as much EC for each creature?



Deleted • 16 November 2011 at 12:42 AM

Many people have suggested this. Its a no.


927 posts


lyricgeek • 16 November 2011 at 12:45 AM

Alright 😊 Could you explain why you do not like this idea? It would help a lot if I knew, so then I could try to make it better 😃

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 16 November 2011 at 12:47 AM


There have already been users who've tried to make it better and it still is a no

I can't recall all right this moment...
1) easy EC with no effort
2) users don't spend as much time on Egg Cave
3) basically takes out the basic essence of Egg Cave

927 posts


lyricgeek • 16 November 2011 at 12:51 AM

How about you can only feed your own cove instantly and that you earn half as much EC per creature?

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 16 November 2011 at 12:52 AM


It's not a "how about this instead" sort of thing for me, I just don't support this idea...

I've seen this idea come up too many times now and each time they didn't seem any more appealing than the last, so yeah...

927 posts


lyricgeek • 16 November 2011 at 12:54 AM

Alright 😊 I understand your opinion 😃
