Skrulline and 2 Kujaks UFT.

in Trading & Auctions

2,403 posts


evolutary • 16 November 2011 at 3:25 AM

5 Kujaks.

(Will probably add more to trade). These are my spares, I've been trying to trade them for a while now. I can change their names to your liking if you want to trade.

I'm not looking for anything in particular, although it has to be something I don't have. 😊 You can offer EC, too.

Edit: 1st lot has been traded.

Also, I'm looking for a Fairy World travel.

227 posts


anassa_anemou • 18 November 2011 at 8:14 PM


What more you probably will trade? @evolutary

I maybe interessed in the Skru...

2,403 posts


evolutary • 18 November 2011 at 8:17 PM

@anassa_anemou I'll add more creatures when I find more in the cave. 😊
