
in Roleplaying

4,171 posts


qwaszx • 19 December 2011 at 11:27 PM

You died long ago and went to the Downs. Downs is where the dead go. You go in alone, but inside may find friends, family or if you're lucky, enimies from your old life. Phantoms are different than us. They live on fear and pain. And hate. They love hate. Even if they were kind in Life, they are cruel in the downs. But the dead aren't Phantoms. Phantoms are the ones being punished, the ones who must haunt. The dead who were good are called Ghosts.
Ghosts and Phantoms are separated at Death. They go their seperate ways, Ghosts to the Downs and Phantoms to the Underworld. They live peacefully, well the Ghosts do. Until now. A blip has occured in the Underworld and Downs security. Another chance has reacurred for some Phantoms, and they took it. It is your job to either escape, or return.

You MUST use correct punctuation, grammar and capitalization!
Nothing that would break the forum rules

Phantom or Ghost:
How you died:

3,089 posts


rawrcookies08 • 19 December 2011 at 11:34 PM

@qwaszx Sure! I'll add my character later 😊

4,171 posts


qwaszx • 19 December 2011 at 11:36 PM

I'll put mine up later too. I got to go to bed 😉

2,910 posts


duchess • 19 December 2011 at 11:37 PM

@qwaszx: May I join?

Name: James Thompson
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark brown hair, amber eyes, tall and broad-shouldered. He wears jeans and a shirt all of the time.
Phantom or Ghost: Phantom
Personality: He is generally outgoing and seems kind, but one wrong word or move can make him very aggressive and threatening. He is very closely attached to his kitten (which he always has with him) and his kitten died with him.
How he died: He was run over (purposely) by a car, which was being driven by someone who James had gotten into a fight with (and beaten up).

4,171 posts


qwaszx • 19 December 2011 at 11:48 PM

@duchess Sure!😃

Name: Sarah
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Apperence: Wavy elbow length blonde hair and soft brown eyes. Her skin is pale and she has long eyelashes and red lips. She wears her hair up and she wears jeans and a simple T-shirt. Her eyes are very large and rather spooky.
Phantom or Ghost: Phantom
Personality: Friendly and out going. She has many friends, but isn't the most trustworthy person.
How you died: Her boyfriend got mad at her and strangled her. She is always on the lookout for revenge...

Name: Zoe
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Apperence: Brown curly hair and big blue eyes. She's rather small and wears a yellow dress and light sandals. She always carries a doll with her.
Phantom or Ghost: Ghost
Personality: Shy and timid. She doesn't talk much and is terrified of water and Phantoms, as she was haunted when she was 6.
How you died: She drowned in a pool.

481 posts


angelwolfeh • 20 December 2011 at 4:53 AM

Name: Ice
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Apperence: She has pale skin and blue eyes.She has long brown hair. Also wears denim skirt and a white top and leather jacket.
Phantom or Ghost: Phantom
Personality: She is very friendly, but most of the time shy. She is very carefull and protective too her friends. Only worry if you get on her Fire side. Her inteligence makes her able to doge more better, and her strong soul will melt you down to the Underworld.
How you died: Parents left her alone in the wild, unwanted, and soon died of starvation. She is now revenge-thirsty

Hopes to get through... 😸

4,171 posts


qwaszx • 20 December 2011 at 5:35 PM

@angelwolfeh Awesome!😊

7,923 posts


hayz • 30 December 2011 at 10:18 PM

Name: Silic
Age: 14
Appearance: Short black hair, black eyes, 5'4
Phantom or Ghost: Phantom
Personality: Random
How you died: What can I say? She was dissected, and experimented on by scientists, till they injected the wrong needle....

Deleted • 30 December 2011 at 10:22 PM

Name: Dark
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Apperence: white hair and silver eyes, the rest of her form is blurry.
Phantom or Ghost: Phantom
Personality: Crazy and cold.
How you died: She was murdered a payment to some mafia lord, as she insulted him by refusing to be his wife. Shes not completly evil, but she revels in others pain, as it reminds her of her life before.

5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 30 December 2011 at 10:35 PM

Name: Sakura
Age: 14
Gender: F
Apperence: pink hair a little shorter than shoulder length
Phantom or Ghost:ghost
Personality: hyper,loud,mean,friendly
How you died: sacrefised her life to safe her best friend from a gruel murderer.

250 posts


ghost • 30 December 2011 at 10:45 PM

Ok I'm sorry if my spelling is wrong but i just HAVE to join i mean look at my name XD

Name: Silva

Age: 13

Gender: female

Apperence:long black strait hair, black top and black boots, light green eyes
Phantom or Ghost: GHOST

Personality: Nice, sweet, HYPER, never scared because can only see bright side of things, glass half full

How you died: Cancer.. they caught to late ☚ī¸

2,910 posts


duchess • 13 January 2012 at 5:42 AM

@qwaszx, When would you like to start?

1,368 posts


sstwinz • 14 January 2012 at 12:05 AM

Name: Kennedy
Age: 12
Gender: M
Apperence: Light brown skin, dark brown eyes, black hair, kind of transparent
Phantom or Ghost: Ghost
Personality: Happy, yet sad beacuse I died.
How you died: Someone mistook me for a person that they hated (Like Martin Luther King Jr.) and shot me.

3,840 posts


sstwins • 14 January 2012 at 12:26 AM

Name: Reno
Gender: Male
Apperence:Red hair, sea blue eyes, light skin
Phantom or Ghost: Ghost
Personality: Friendly and nice, scares easily
How you died: Suffocated while sleeping, tangled in blankets

1,368 posts


sstwinz • 15 January 2012 at 12:34 AM

@qwaszx When should we start?

65 posts


spazzyjenny • 15 January 2012 at 2:12 AM


Name: Desinda.

Age: 16.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Slender build with a lightly tanned complexion. Dark purple hair with light blue eyes. Wears a white buttoned up blouse with black jeans.

Phantom or Ghost: Phantom.

Personality: After death, she grew to accept things way too easily and basically had no will. She no longer makes decisions for herself. Complacent yet careless. No regard for her well-being anymore.

How you died: Victim of a mindless and brutal gang-related beating.

1,368 posts


sstwinz • 9 February 2012 at 1:21 PM


Should we start?

4,171 posts


qwaszx • 9 February 2012 at 3:27 PM

@sstwinz Sure, I have to go now though, brb 😉

1,368 posts


sstwinz • 9 February 2012 at 4:37 PM

Kennedy could remember it like it was yesterday. Actually, it might have been yesterday, he couldn't tell. Time passes differently when you're dead. He was sitting in his house, listening to his favorite song. He decided to step outside for a breath of fresh air. That was a big mistake. He was leaning against his balcony when a shot rang out. Then two. The next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground, surrounded by blood. The sticky wetness was the last thing he ever felt.

4,171 posts


qwaszx • 9 February 2012 at 4:50 PM

Zoe padded along the evenly paved cobblestone road, bouncing and skipping from each cobblestone. She stuck her arms out for balance, her doll tightly clutched in one hand. She toppled over, giggling, then hopped up and skipped toward a little friendly yellow house and galloped through the screen door. "Mommy I'm home!" She called out. Receiving no awnser, she called again, "Mommy?" Zoe ran outside and saw their pool, shimmering in the noon sun. Thinking it would be refreshing to swim, Zoe ran to her room and put on a swimsuit. She rushed to the edge of the pool and stuck a toe in the water. She gasped at how cold it was and walked over to the railing in the deep end, forgetting her parent's warnings of always having an adult with her in the pool.
She stroked out to the middle and paused to rest. She tried to put her feet down, but she couldn't feel the bottom. She realized how trapped she was, tired in the middle of the deep end nowhere near a wall. She slipped under and Zoe tried in vain to get her head back above the surface. She couldn't breathe!
Zoe sobbed silently as she sat huddled in a corner of the Ghost orphanage, recalling her death. The orphanage was for children who had died, put their parents were still alive. She clutched her doll to her chest, thinking about how much they must miss her.

1,368 posts


sstwinz • 9 February 2012 at 4:53 PM

Kennedy sighed and kicked some stuff around in his room in the Ghost Orphanage. He had considered being a Phantom but he was too nice. Kennedy never held a grudge. Kennedy wandered out to look for something to eat. Then he remembered that ghosts don't eat. He sighed. This was going to be a long afterlife.

4,171 posts


qwaszx • 9 February 2012 at 5:00 PM

Sarah frowned flipping the page of the magazine sourly. Her throat burned like fire. Was there no way to fix it? She sighed setting down the magazine and stalked up to the nearest security guard. "Hi, excuse me, but do you know a Randy Wood?" She asked, hoping he would know the boy who had strangled her. Her voice came out hoarse and rough. The guard fixed her with his gaze. "He strangle you?" He asked gruffly. Sarah nodded, not wanting to speak again. "I can sign him up for a haunting. The wait list is 86 years." He told her. Sarah frowned. "He'll be dead by then." She sighed. "Too bad cupcake." The guard said. "You might want to have that throat looked at."

1,368 posts


sstwinz • 9 February 2012 at 5:07 PM

Kennedy looked at his chest and saw two bullet holes. He could stick his finger through them. That was kind of creepy. He brought his finger back. He was so bored. He decided to try out his new ghost abilities. He had heard that ghosts could fly. He opened his window and jumped out. For about one second he thought he was flying. Then he was falling. He landed in a heap. Ow. Ok, that was two myths proven wrong. Ghosts can fly, and ghosts can't feel pain. Kennedy dragged himself back inside.
