2 posts


kayako • 21 December 2011 at 10:56 AM

Hello 😉 I'm new here 😉

3,089 posts


rawrcookies08 • 21 December 2011 at 11:01 AM

@kayako Hey! Welcome to Eggcave! Here's some random tips:

Don't fill up your cove with common eggs from the cave. Later on, you'll be mad because nobody will trade them with you (I learned that the hard way) 😋

If you see an egg from the cave called a Mo, and it is green with purple, yellowish-gold, and blue feathers, GET IT! They are really rare! xD

When you go to the Mysterious Asteroid and you choose the egg, you will probably not get one (it's really hard) but if you do, it will just show up in your cove.

Also, if you want someone to know that you are talking to them on a forum, put the @ sign in front of their username like this: @rawrcookies08. Then, they will get a notification saying that you are talking to them. It's called pinging. 😊

(wow, that was really long hahaha) 😋
