Greetings Travelers! :)

in Welcomes & Introductions

5 posts


kittstar1 • 26 February 2012 at 2:30 AM

Hi. I am new here, obviously. 😊 Anyway, I raise hamsters (I have two dwarfs at present). I like to go walking with people (as it is boring to go by oneself) so we can chat while we walk. I work as a Greeter at the local movie theater, weekends mostly. I am very active in my church: I am currently the Primary (Sunday School for the kids 3-12) Secretary, so I do a lot of structural behind the scenes stuff, mostly; and try to keep things running smoothly.

I like to play video and computer games, and love books. Sometimes I can do both at the same time--listening to a book on tape while I play. In fact, I hope one day to become a published author. I am writing children's stories I hope will be enjoyed by others as much as I enjoyed writing them. 😊

This space is used up, I will continue in another post soon.

2,910 posts


duchess • 26 February 2012 at 2:33 AM

@kittstar1, Hello and welcome to Egg Cave 😃

4,807 posts


karamel • 26 February 2012 at 3:37 AM

@kittstar1 Welcome to Egg Cave :]

When replying to someone in a topic, ping them: @insert_username_here

When replying to someone's post on your wall, post on THEIR wall.

Any questions? 😸

5 posts


kittstar1 • 26 February 2012 at 10:51 PM

@duchess Thank you very much. 😊

@karamel Thank you for the info., I was wondering about that stuff. I am curious about what the difference between "star" and normal creatures is.

I'd say my most recent book is high-school and up, approximately. I call it (current working title): The Unicorn and the Heart Stone. It is basically two love stories that intertwine in several places and the political intrigues which force the characters' hands at times. It is, I guess, a middle ages kind of fantasy setting--very much like Europe during the High Middle Ages, but with critters like Unicorns and Gryphons running around too, and magic and stuff. I like to play games mostly because I like the plot lines; it's like reading a book only you get to do it too. 😊 Also, I like building and collecting things as well as fighting monsters and saving the world.

I am trying to finish the plot line for my Josar Region.

This space is used up, I will continue in another post soon.

4,807 posts


karamel • 27 February 2012 at 1:35 PM

@kittstar1 As you need another post, I'll just post in reply to your question.

A star creature is just a rarer creature - for example, a Mo is rare already. However, a STAR Mo is MUCH MORE rarer... there are some star collectors...
You can catch stars in the cave or use CaveCash (bought with REAL money) in the Cash Shop Park to buy stars.

5 posts


kittstar1 • 28 February 2012 at 4:53 AM

@karamel Thank you for clearing that up. 😊

The Josar Region is the name of my semi-literate (forum based) Pokemon role-play. I am still learning how to be a good Game-master, but I am getting better. 😊 Also, I'm becoming better at Spriteing, especially with making trainer cards for my Gym Leaders and Elite Four Members and some other main (named) NPC characters. Although a lot of the features I'm working on are not implemented yet, I have enough of it up and running for players to start their journeys and get around the (rather large, it turns out) map. Any help or assistance is welcomed, as I am still a beginner at World Building. I guess this stage is called Alpha Testing, or something like that.

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science with a Minor in History. Although, nowadays, I find I have no real interest in Politics anymore. The more Political Science classes I took, the more I realized that my mind doesn't work the way a Political Scientist's mind works. I finally figured out that my mind is better suited for being a writer of fiction. So, I am working on finishing my books so I can work on getting them published. The one being so dependent on the other and all. 😊

This space is used up, I will continue in another post soon.

4,807 posts


karamel • 28 February 2012 at 12:17 PM

@kittstar1 No problem :]

Another post for you to continue.

5 posts


kittstar1 • 4 March 2012 at 6:07 PM

@karamel Thanks; just this last one.

I am a young lady who lives in the USA, although I have lived all over the world while growing up. Well, that's about all I can think of by way of introductions. I hope this is a good one. Thanks for your patience and for reading this. I do have real world things come up at times, but I plan on being a regular here. Well, thanks for listening, I hope we can all be friends. 😊

