Why the heck do I like this song? XD

in Entertainment

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dreamer • 9 March 2012 at 11:16 PM

@Kagirl21 What are you guys talkin' 'bout? xD *is smacked*

I'm bored right now.

544 posts


kagirl21 • 9 March 2012 at 11:18 PM

@Dreamer Dance. Our sleepover. People. Joe. Will. XD

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rawrcookies08 • 9 March 2012 at 11:20 PM


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dreamer • 9 March 2012 at 11:21 PM

@Kagirl21 Ahhh. xD

You're so lucky. DX I completely overreacted last night. I'm sorry. DX

Parker finally got his dance. ;] (you can't tell anyoneeeee)

544 posts


kagirl21 • 9 March 2012 at 11:24 PM

@Dreamer Its fine. 😉 I had to tell Kayla. And she swears she won't tell anyone. She felt bad and she called him a d***. XD I won't tell. It was so funny. Olivia came up to and said KAREN ANNE! YOU. LOOK. SO. PRETTY! XD I'm like thank you! xDD I can't believe I danced with Joe. 😱

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dreamer • 9 March 2012 at 11:29 PM

@Kagirl21 I'm not gonna hear the end of it, am I? ;P
It's no one's fault but my own though. Everyone was dnacing and I took it too seriously. Everyone kept asking if I was okay and I started ignoring them.
Actually, to admit it, when I was waiting outside Ben called my name but I ignored him. :/ So I'm going to talk to him on Monday. He already knows, so... There's no reason I shouldn't apologize.

You're still lucky for dancing with Joe. xD You guys seemed happy. 😋

544 posts


kagirl21 • 9 March 2012 at 11:32 PM

@Dreamer You're right you shouldn't apologize because you have nothing to apolize for to him. He knew and he messed up and he probably feels terrible.

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dreamer • 9 March 2012 at 11:35 PM

@Kagirl21 Just because he knows how I feel about him... I just want him to know how serious I'm taking this. 😱 Should I at least talk to him when I get the chance? Should I reahc out to him? Becuase he knew I was upset, and he reached out to me, called my name. When we were outside, I saw him from a while away. White t-shirt, baggy gray pants, red jacket hung over his shoulder. And he kept calling me by my nickiname. "Dani! Dani!" But I was so hurt that I turned the other way and ignored him. I don't want him to misunderstand it or anything...
What should I say? Should I tell him what I was trying to do and why I was sad?
Everytime I was uset last year he'd look right at me and ask if I was okay.
I feel terrible too. I ruined the end of the night, I messed up the most.
But I'd give anything to know what *he's* feeling...

544 posts


kagirl21 • 9 March 2012 at 11:38 PM

@Dreamer You should try to talk to him or maybe even pass him a note in enrichment. 😉

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dreamer • 9 March 2012 at 11:40 PM

@Kagirl21 Well I have Mrs... *our English teacher* for Enrichment. D': Since she came back she never lets us talk. You know her ridiculously soft "Shhhh" she does? She does that, constantly, and when I even open my mouth. DX I ususally sit in a group with Andrew, and Josh tags along. Ben sits with Michael and Evan and Neil and Harry (the blonde one). I'll try talking to him at our lockers or something. 😋 Or maybe I *can* type up a little note for him. ;D

544 posts


kagirl21 • 9 March 2012 at 11:44 PM

@Dreamer Maybe. 😉

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dreamer • 9 March 2012 at 11:48 PM

@Kagirl21 Or maybe...

You know for that Battle Of THe Books trivia the thing? Will ALL the winning groups be in the librry on Wednesday? Because his group won, and my group won, so if all of us are there then maybe I'll have a chance to talk to him.

544 posts


kagirl21 • 9 March 2012 at 11:50 PM

@Dreamer They all will. 😃

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dreamer • 9 March 2012 at 11:52 PM

@Kagirl21 All together at once? Or will it just be one blue team against one red at the same time? Because our competition is on Wednesday, 6th period. 😱 What about you guys?

207 posts


naleap • 9 March 2012 at 11:53 PM


Heheh, just wanted to share:

I love this one 😸

544 posts


kagirl21 • 9 March 2012 at 11:56 PM

@Dreamer We lost. XD I put down an author name, you want to know what I said? April January. XD We came in last place. XD FAIL. I think Blue Team verses eachother.

2,344 posts


nkiay • 9 March 2012 at 11:57 PM



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dreamer • 9 March 2012 at 11:59 PM

@Kagirl21 I thought my team was gonna lose. xD But we beat the Glitter Unicorns by 21 points. 😋
So blue team verses eachother and the last two teams, one on blue, one on red, face eachother at the end? We're gonna failllll. xD Since 6-5 read tons of books. Neil told me that Ben read 5 books and Parker read like 7. O_o They're all on the same team. The Nyan Readers or whatever. xD something to do with the Nyan Cat.

544 posts


kagirl21 • 10 March 2012 at 12:01 AM

@Dreamer Yeah I think I saw their poster. xDD I'm not sure because I freakin lost. XD

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dreamer • 10 March 2012 at 12:03 AM

@Kagirl21 Which one of your groups won? 😱 I thought the Ninjas would beat us, with Meghan and Ryan and Ethan and Alisha and Amy and Katie. But they actually ended up in last place. XD TAKE THAT, MEGHAN. -_-

544 posts


kagirl21 • 10 March 2012 at 12:05 AM

@Dreamer Lol yeah she is a little annoying. xDD The MissMatched Monkeys won. XD Helen, Maddie, Kylie, Maria, and Ashley.

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dreamer • 10 March 2012 at 12:07 AM

@Kagirl21 Meghan= A LITTLE annoying?! O_O She drives me out of my mind. She figured out who I liked too. She acts like an idiot in class but still gets all the attention. DX Like, she always bashes me and makes me look bad in front of the other kids without me even knowing. And I hate her voice.

544 posts


kagirl21 • 10 March 2012 at 12:08 AM

@Dreamer I have enrichment with her. She is in it. And guess what? I sit pretty much alone. And they sit with her and that bothers me sometimes..

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dreamer • 10 March 2012 at 12:17 AM

@Kagirl21 She thinks she can do anything and get away with it. She always grabs all the attention in our classes too. Try being in a *learning group* with her! She was probably even the person that Ben danced with. Because I didn't see Ben when I was looking for him to ask him, and I didn't see Meghan either.

If she, knowing I liked Ben, a lot, ended up slow-dancing with him, then that's it. Two can play at this game, stupid Meghan. -_-

Btw, I figured out that I have every single one of my classes with Andrew except for Music, Art, Life Skills, and Day 3 Enrichment. XD

544 posts


kagirl21 • 10 March 2012 at 12:19 AM

@dreamer Lol xD I've known her since 2nd grade. She's always bragged about things all the time and needed atention.

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dreamer • 10 March 2012 at 12:23 AM

@Kagirl21 Evan *the nerdy one with the girly voice, glasses, freckles* has a crush on Meghan, Andrew told me. I'd be so happy if they ended up together. XD Anything to get her out of the way. She needs to stop trying to steal my chances.

At this point, I think she's only against me. Always stealing the attention when I'm talking to some of the boys, always asking me ridiculous questions and scolding me when I get them wrong, NOW trying to take Ben away?! No. Just no.
Someone should, like, lock her up somewhere. DX I'm sorry, but it's true. I'm not even jealous of her anymore, I'm done with that. Now I'm just sick of her. I think for some messed-up reason she might be jealous of ME... There's no other answer for any of this.

544 posts


kagirl21 • 10 March 2012 at 12:25 AM

@Dreamer I would of never expected him to like her. Woww. xD

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dreamer • 10 March 2012 at 12:26 AM

@Kagirl21 Ikr? xD I ton of boys like her, I guess. That's what Neil and Andrew keep telling me. It concerns me a lot.
I'm NOT going to lose because of a *insert harsh word here* like her. She just needs to like, leave the country. >_< Or at least leave ME, alone.

544 posts


kagirl21 • 10 March 2012 at 12:28 AM

@Dreamer Yeahh xDD

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metaphor • 10 March 2012 at 1:38 AM


Only downside is when it's stuck in my head, I don't really know what it's saying, so it's hard to keep the words in order. xD
