Different IPs?

in Help & Questions

956 posts


savy839 • 5 March 2012 at 11:25 PM

I've been wondering this for a while. But say I have 2 computers, can I feed my account and others on both of them? Or would that be considered cheating? Thanks for help c:

2,910 posts


duchess • 5 March 2012 at 11:44 PM

@savy839, Changing your IP address to feed multiple times isn't cheating, it's allowed 😊

2,425 posts


blackrose_chan • 5 March 2012 at 11:52 PM

@savy839 I guess it's allowed(no listed rule against it) but I'm not sure if you can use your other computer.

I have 1 Laptop, 2 computers, and 1 Ipad.

no matter which one I use I can only feed once a day <>3<>

I think the only way I can feed more than once is phone and any out side computer(like Library or school comp)

956 posts


savy839 • 6 March 2012 at 7:56 AM

Awesome! That's great to hear ^^
Cool. c: I have 1 laptop, 1 desktop, and 1 ipad, so pretty close to the same. ;D But mine works if I try to feed twice a day 😱

864 posts


sprite • 6 March 2012 at 9:17 AM

You can and it works as long as the computers have different IP addresses. If, they are the same then of course they won't work. You can change them it's easy to do tho 😊 It does not work to gain more EC they do limit that.

2,782 posts


inkstep • 6 March 2012 at 11:09 AM

your ACCOUNT can only feed your cove and creatures once a day, no matter what IP adress you're using, you would need to have two accounts for two IP adresses, but you can only have your main and your side. =P so it's kind of neutral

864 posts


sprite • 6 March 2012 at 2:26 PM


You can have your main and and 3 storage accounts. Says clearly in the TOS. As feeding/views/clicks are done by IP addresses vs unique computer ID's aka MAC you can change and feed multiple times but you can only earn EC once per creature no matter how many times you change your IP.

I found this out by doing the click exchange on Egg Cavern as it is noted there on how it works. Helps in earning raffle tickets faster 😉
