quiz weekly

in Forum Games

35 posts


kelly-lains • 26 March 2012 at 3:20 PM

1.) what would u prefer to do
tap dance or ballet dance or disco dance

2.) what would u prefer to play
clarinet or trumpet or rock drums

3.what would u likie to be yr hobbie
karate or cricket or disco tennis

i will give u the next quiz after iv had 14 comments

Deleted • 26 March 2012 at 6:48 PM

1) I would prefer to do Ballet only because I watch Dance Moms and it looks fun. 😃

2) I would prefer to play Clarinet, I like Squidward from SpongeBob.

3)I'd choose Tennis, that is probably the only sport I haven't tried.

708 posts


morgana • 26 March 2012 at 6:53 PM

1) Ballet because it seems like a fun thing to learn. (Not that I have any grace what so ever.)

2) Rock drums because.... Ill have to think about that one. heh.

3) Cricket because I've never tried it and it seems like a fun sport.
